Imagine||Josh #1

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It was a busy day in London, Westfield's was swarming with people young and old doing their Christmas shopping and cuz of this, Starbucks was busier than ever, I hadn't had a minute to rest since I started my shift this morning. People were entering and leaving in packs whether they need a rest from walking or they just want a quick drink. 

I was rushing around behind the counter trying to get everyone's drink ready and making sure I get them right.

As the evening rolled around it had quietened down a lot and I only had an hour left of my shift left. I was waiting behind the counter for another customer who may or may not come in, when sure enough the bell from the door filled my ears. I look up to see a group of three men walk towards the counter.

I give them my signature smile, "hello, how can I help you?" the first man was very tall and had blonde hair he told me his order quietly while I put it in the register and he paid. The second man was quite short and a snapback was placed lazily on his head, he smiled at me and stated his drink while handing me his money before stepping aside so the last man could give me his order.

When I saw him, my heart missed a beat and a small blush made its way onto my cheeks. 'He's very cute' I thought to myself. 

"Uhh can I get a pumpkin spice latte and a chocolate muffin, please?" he asked, in a deep voice that made my knees go weak. I put his order into the register and swiped his card that he had handed to me. 

While I was getting their order ready, I couldn't help but keep looking at the tallish man with a beard, the small group was stood in a huddle and kept looking at me every so often which made me feel kind of uneasy. It looked like they were planning something. I brushed it off and finished making their drinks and put Josh's muffin on a plate (as I asked his name when I was taking his order so I could put it on the cup).

I called their names out and in the same order as they had ordered, they came to collect their drinks, thanking me. Josh lingered a little and looked like he was gonna say something else but instead he went to sit down with the boys and as soon as he did he put his head in his hands making me really confused.

I started wiping the tables before putting the rest of the chairs upside down on top of them. I then went and wiped the tables. Once I had cleared the cash register, the boys were getting up and getting ready to leave.

But before they headed towards the door, Josh walked up to me and said, "sorry to bother you, but I think that you're very pretty and I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime, like as in on a date?" I smiled and complied.

I put my number in his phone and he left with a grin on his face. As he got to the door, he turned around and waved at me. 

That was the start of a beautiful relationship that lasted for a lifetime...  

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