Chapter Twenty-Six

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Deva slipped as quietly as she could through the trees, making certain not to step on anything that would make even the slightest sound. She spotted a small clump of bushes that would be the perfect spot to hide. She settled behind the shrub and pulled her cloak around her so she remained hidden.

A slight rustling drew her attention as she shifted her eyes to the right, where she spotted Holly shimmying up a tree. She silently cursed as she watched her friend. Holly was good at a lot of things, climbing trees wasn't one of those things. Actually, she could climb up them perfectly fine, it was maintaining her perch once in the tree.

Deva was about to call out to Holly and tell her she should pick a different spot to hide, when she heard a small noise that alerted her to another presence. She held still, watching the surrounding forest from her hiding spot. Concealment was the goal of the day. Now that Morgan was gone, they had returned to Redmont and their training.

After several tense and silent moments, she saw her father glide out of the trees. He moved slowly and almost silently, the only sign of his movement was a small rustle from his cloak and only because she knew the sound well was she able to recognize it. It was likely no enemy would recognize that small sound.

He glided to a stop very near where she was hidden and a smile crept across his features. "You may as well come out of there, Deva. You do know that your boot is showing."

She didn't move a muscle. He could be bluffing and any movement could give her away so she remained still and silent.

After another minute passed, he reached into the bushes, grasped a hold of her cloak and hauled her free of the clinging shrub. "Hello, daughter."

She raised a hand and gave him a small wave. "Hello, Dad!"

He chuckled. "I told you to come out."

She shrugged. "I didn't know if you were bluffing to get me to move."

"Very smart. Let's see if we can find Holly and Logan, shall we?" He turned and began walking in the direction of the tree Holly was hiding in.

Deva winced and prayed Holly could maintain her perch in the tree. She lagged behind her father several steps in the hope he'd find Holly before she lost her perch. Of course, they were still going to have to get her out of the tree at some point.

Luck didn't seem to be with her. Will passed safely beneath Holly's tree, with Deva trailing behind him. As she walked beneath the tree, resisting the urge to look up and give away Holly's position, Holly lost her grip on the limb she was sitting on and fell with a loud squeal, landing on Deva and knocking her to the ground.

"Deva, I'm sorry, are you all right?" There was no answer. "Deva? I think I killed her!" she shouted at Will as she quickly scrambled off Deva's prone body.

Will hurried over and leaned over his daughter. "Deva?"

She groaned. "You didn't kill me, but I wish you had. You are heavy. Lay off the cake from now on! Ow!"

Holly folded her arms over her chest and sent Deva an offended look. "I'm not that heavy!"

"Yes, you are! I think you broke something or maybe a lot of somethings!" Deva groaned and complained some more as she rolled to her side and tried to gain her feet.

Will chuckled as he helped her up. "I think you'll be fine. Why don't the two of you head back to the practice clearing and I'll go find Logan."

Holly nodded eagerly and took Deva's arm to help her.

Deva yanked her arm free. "I don't think I want your help, you might try and sit on me again."

"It was an accident! I swear!" Holly insisted.

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