Chapter 2

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Usually with an accident you'll black out and wake up in the hospital, not knowing what happen. Waking up disorientating, then remembering what happened, then you break down.

Well I am one messed up person. I didn't wake up in the hospital, I didn't even black out. I saw everything happen.

I felt the pain straight away, no past adrenaline. It was a cold hard slap, having the pain just wash over me. But being aware of the situation, made the pain even more unbearable. My vision was serous

However, the pain numbed soon enough. Finally the adrenaline kicking in, making my vision cleared. Leaving me with the situation before my eyes. Let's put it nicely, I wish I had died or blacked out.

My beautiful horse was in a heap, tangled between reins and broken tack. If that didn't break my heart, the way he was trying to get up, but failing miserably, told me everything. That my brave and amazing horse, was broken.

That image was stuck in my head, every time is closed my eyes it was stuck. I couldn't get the sound of failing hooves, or the massive sound of the crack. Every time I looked I imagined the ground coming up to me. Then the pain, the struggles.

"Imogen? Immi, hey it's alright, he'll be alright"

Seriously, do people believe that shit. I felt arms wrap around me, making me wince. Jesu Christ, not good.

"They are not permitted to put him down, you hear me? Not at all!" My voice came out surprisling strong. I felt the arms around me stiffen, yeh hon I read through your fake voice.

"They're asking for permission, Immi. They say that his hindquarters just gave way, they don't know what they are treating. He's stuffed, Immi let him go!" He said, making me wonder what sides he on.

But it was enough to make me snap, treading on wrong territory there. I got up, fast, wrong idea. One, there was arm restraining me, two ever heard of a head spin, make that a epic one.

I gasp for air, only to be met with a sharp pain that nearly doubled me over. I was out of breathe, but every time I breathed I would be met with the same pain. Making me, back where I had began. Making me see stars, and my whole body shudder.

But I knew that I had to get Jinx, I needed to stop him from leaving me. I knew that if he left.... Don't think about it. So I struggled, meeting the unbearable pain, I gritted my teethe and tried to get away from the arms around my waist.

I felt myself starting to get hysterical, the pain was blinding, but all could think about was jinx. What we're they going to do to him, what will happen. No way was I going to lose him, I was not allowing anything happen to him.

Nobody will ever separate me from my horse! It has already been done once, I couldn't handle it again!

Riley POV

She wasn't coping, I could feel it through the way she was struggling. I looked at her face, her beautiful eyes were itched with pain. But the familiar edge of determination surprised me, making me slacken my grip. Bad idea, she took off, the five meters to jinx looked painful. But she made it!

I ran after, determine to let the horse die in peace. They had been asking permission from the horses owner to have it put down, but they wouldn't listen to is us no matter what we said.

I know what Imogen is like, she will not let anything happen to Jinx. She is so protective over him it's crazy. Making me wonder once again why I did it. All she was asking for was support and I blew her down.

As I watched them go down, I freaked. I my heart had stopped I swear. It had looked like jinx had tripped, but trust me jinx doesn't trip. He was so sure footed that he would never fall from a trip.

He would try with his heart so that he would keep them both safe. He had been taking her around some of the hardest courses in the world. So he falls in a dressage ring, smart horse, but once again, I should've have believed her, not picked the fight.

I know it wasn't a place for a horse like him to go down, he deserved a chance. But Immi would make him suffer, he wasn't right, he was in so much pain. She doesn't realise that he will live on pain killer for the rest of his life.

She needs to let go. But this is Imogen White, last time I told her to let go, I ended up with a black eye and bruised ego. Don't ever tell her what to do, unless you want a death wish.

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