Chapter Six: The Voices Inside Her Head

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The next few weeks were some of the most amazing in Anna’s life. Of course, she still had to go to school, but Hogwarts wasn’t like Muggle school. Hogwarts taught you things you wanted to learn. Not rubbish like English and Math. Every day seemed like a new adventure.

Ginny and Anna were studying in the library, though it was mostly Ginny studying and Anna pretending to. “Ginny,” Anna began awkwardly - a question suddenly popping into her mind. “Why..why didn’t anyone know about me?” She blurted out. Ginny stopped reading. “What do you mean?” She asked.

Anna flushed scarlet. “I know...Harry’s famous and everything - I’m not complaining about not being famous or anything, I like people not gasping when I enter a room -’s like whenever I tell someone my name, it’s always a surprise.” She said, looking up at Ginny.

Ginny gave her a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, Anna. He’s not ashamed of you or anything - I know that much. I think he’s just...not very used to talking about himself. Harry’s a pretty private person - he can’t stop anyone from knowing his name, but I don’t think he likes to share personal things about himself when he can help it. I think not talking about you is his way of caring.” She tried to explain as Anna timidly nodded - not really believing her.

“Look, the only person he told was Ron, and they were all good things - I promise. He still tells a lot of things to Ron that I tend to overhear while they’re walking-” Ginny suddenly slammed a hand over her mouth - realizing what she was saying. Anna only laughed.

“No way.” She said - trying to stifle her laughter as the librarian shushed them. “You have the hots for Harry?” She asked. Ginny’s face turned the same color as her hair. “Anna!” She hissed, hitting Anna on the arm. “Okay, it’s fine!” Anna insisted as Ginny hit her again. “I promise I won’t tell Harry about your little crush.” Anna teased. “Anna!” Ginny growled warningly.

It was now about five in the morning - Anna still wide awake as she sat by her bedside lantern and continued to sketch with her charcoal - a new medium, but it seemed appropriate. She couldn’t explain it, but she had felt this sinister feeling all night - like something evil was watching her.

At one point in the night, she had even imagined odd noises - some sort of creaking and hissing. That’s when she realized that she wasn’t going to be able to get sleep, and had began to draw instead.

“Anna?” The voice made her jump as she dropped her sketchbook and charcoal. She whipped her head around to see Ginny - wiping the sleep from her eyes as she sat up. “Why are you up so early?” She yawned. “You usually wake up pretty late.”

“Do not!” Anna protested. She sheepishly began finding an excuse in her head for why she stayed up late. “I was just..excited for Harry’s Quidditch practice.” She lied, realizing that was today. Ginny raised an eyebrow, shrugging off Anna’s odd behavior as she picked up Anna’s sketchbook from off the floor.

“Where’d you get the inspiration from these? A horror film? These are terrifying.” Ginny said, flipping through Anna’s recent drawings. Anna snatched back her sketchbook - remembering the sinister presence that she had felt all night. “A monster.” Anna said truthfully. She shrugged. “My foster parents sent me some charcoal pencils the other day. I just figured I’d test them out.”

Anna yawned - her sleepless night catching up with her. “What time is it?” She asked. Ginny glanced at her clock she kept on her bedside. “6ish.” She answered. “You might want to get going - Harry’s practice is probably going to start soon.”

Anna only nodded, slowly pulling herself from the floor as she blew out her lantern, pulling on her uniform and tucking her wand in her robes as she exited the girl’s dormitory - where Harry and Hermione were standing.

“Up so early?” Harry asked in confusion. Anna grumbled. “I don’t wake up that late!” She retorted angrily as Harry put his hands up in defense. “Jeez, just asking.” He said. “We’re waiting for Ron to finish doing his hair.” Hermione explained, obviously frustrated as Ron ran down the stairs.

“I’m here!” He announced as they walked out the portrait and to the Quidditch fields below. Anna admired the Gryffindor team’s form and rhythm as they began to practice when green cloaks made their way onto the field, and Anna raised an eyebrow. “Are they supposed to be here?” She asked in confusion.

“No…” Ron trailed off. “Harry! What’s going on!” Ron yelled for Harry as the three of them got up to see what was happening. The pale boy on the other team smiled coyly. “They were all just admiring all the broomsticks my father bought for the team, Weasley.”

Draco Malfoy: someone who made Anna wish she had never gone to Hogwarts, but not enough of a reason to make her leave. For some reason, Draco thought it was funny to annoy Anna at every living moment, driving Anna bonkers and giving her the urge to punch his pretty smirk right off his pretty, little face.

Anna scowled. “At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in using pure talent.” Hermione shot back. Draco’s smile vanished. “No one asked for your opinion, you filthy Mudblood.” Everyone gasped. Even Anna knew how horrible the word was.

Someone on the Slytherin team was guarding Malfoy from Fred and George as they attempted to tackle him. Alicia was screaming and hurling insults as Ron whipped out his wand. “Eat slugs, Malfoy!” He spat, hexing Draco. Unfortunately, Ron’s wand was still broken, so the curse had rebounded to the person behind him: Anna.

Anna groaned as she clutched her stomach. She suddenly felt something squirming up her throat as she gagged out a slug. The entire Slytherin team was laughing as Anna’s face burned in embarrassment - still throwing up slugs.

“Ron.” She growled through the slugs. “When this is done, I am going to kill. You.” Another slug. Ron gulped nervously, looking at Hermione. “Is there anything we can do?” He asked as Hermione shook her head. “There’s nothing we can do except wait. It’s a complicated spell for the best of wands, but with a broken one..” She trailed off as Anna spat out another slug. “Brilliant.” She sighed.

The three friends helped Anna back up to the castle - mostly Harry pulling Anna away from tackling Ron between slugs and Hermione telling them helpful things to do when throwing up slugs. After a tortuous thirty minutes, Anna was back in her bed. The slugs had mostly subsided, but that didn’t stop Anna from glaring at Ron each time she gagged another one.

“Next time, keep your wand to yourself.” Anna growled as Ron looked apologetic. “Sorry! Sorry!” He said. She turned to Hermione - who seemed awfully quiet. “You okay, Hermione?” Harry asked as she forced a smile, and nodded. “Yes, just...thinking.” She said. “I thought all that pure-blood prejudice was already gone, but I guess not.” She shrugged.

But before anyone could say anymore, Professor McGonagall had bursted through the doors. “What in the heavens are you two boys doing in the girl’s dormitories?” Before they could respond, she shook her head. “Never mind. You, Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley, must go to your detentions. Mr. Weasley, trophy room, Mr. Potter, with Mr. Lockhart.” She ordered. Harry looked back at Anna hesitantly. “Now, Mr. Potter.”

“Go, Harry. I’ll stay with her.” Hermione told him as he gave her a stiff nod as the two boys walked out following Professor McGonagall. It had been a few hours since Harry and Ron had left. Hermione was sleeping by Anna’s feet, and Anna was finally beginning to feel drowsy when she heard a voice - the same sinister presence that had kept her up all night.

Come..come to me. Let me rip you...let me tear you...let me kill you.” Anna shot up alarmingly - waking Hermione up. “What? What is it?” She asked in alarm, her eyes darting around the room. “Did you hear that?” Anna asked - hoping Hermione could confirm the voice. “What?” Hermione asked.

Anna’s confidence in her hearing faltered, and she shook her head. “Nothing.” She lied. “It was just a dream.” This time, Anna lied to herself.

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