Chapter Five: Brother and Sister

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“Most unfortunately, you are not in my house, and the decision to expel you does not rest with me. I shall go and fetch the people who do have that happy power. You will wait here.” Snape finished lecturing them angrily as he left the room. Harry couldn’t believe it. He had waited years to see his sister, and now that she was here, he couldn’t even see her get sorted! And if he was expelled, he would most likely never see her again.

Harry and Ron both waited in silence - each of them afraid of being expelled for different reasons(“My Mum’s going to kill me!” He complained). Professor McGonagall suddenly came in - interrupting the silence. She seemed oddly calm for being in charge of the fate of two of her students who had crashed a car into the tree.

“You two are extremely lucky that I am feeling particularly merciful this evening.” She warned them - her tone pinched. “You two will go straight to your dorms. I would not prefer the entire school knowing how lightly your punishment was.” She mused. Ron pumped his fist in the air in excitement, sheepishly putting it back down at McGonagall’s glare.

Snape - who was standing behind McGonagall - looked as if she had just ruined Christmas. “Professor McGonagall - surely you can’t be serious. These boys have flouted the Decree for Restriction of Underage Wizardry and caused serious damage to an old and valuable tree. Surely acts of this nature-” McGonagall silenced him with a hand.

“Professor Dumbledore agrees with me on this. Their parents shall be written and they shall go to detention.” She finished, watching Snape huff with displeasure as he stuffed his hands into his pockets - taking long strides towards the staircase as he left to return to the feast.

Harry’s heart soared when he realized he wasn’t going to have to return to the Dursley’s, but he had more pressing matters in his mind. “Professor,” He said. “My sister - she’s supposed to be sorted, and-” McGonagall interrupted him. “I thought as much.” A young girl suddenly came up behind her. “Anna.” Harry said, standing up.

She didn’t look exactly like their mother - with her hair naturally curled instead of straight. A trait she had probably gotten from their father. Her eyes were all their mother’s - big green eyes that seemed to sparkle when she stared. They didn’t remind him of his eyes though - hers had a kick to them that reminded him of greek fires.

“Harry.” She said. McGonagall smiled. “I’ll leave you to it.” She said, going the same way Snape had gone. Ron gave Harry a grin. “I’ll get back to the dorms first.” He only said, practically running out of the room - pretty soon, it was just Anna and Harry.

“So..” She began awkwardly. “I got into Gryffindor.” Anna said. “And I heard that evidently, you’re the saviour of the Wizarding World, so should I curtsy or kiss your toes?” She tried to guess. Harry flushed. “Belt up.” He remarked, and the two of them laughed - falling into old habits. It wasn’t the same as over the phone though. It was better.

“That was Ron, right?” She asked once they had gotten over their laughing fit. Harry raised an eyebrow. “I’ve quickly observed that the Weasley’s are the ones with the red hair.” She explained. “Yeah, that tends to be a running family trait.” Harry said as they continued to talk.

Harry hadn’t realized how much he had been missing her. He hadn’t been allowed to tell her anything before she came to Hogwarts, so he hadn’t really talked to her in fear of slipping up. She wasn’t the little girl he remembered anymore - the one in her tutu as they sat together in the diner that their families always met at as kids. Of course, in Harry’s eyes, she would always be a baby, but even he realized that she had grown a lot during the years they were apart.  

“So...I heard about our parents..” Anna trails off awkwardly. She looked up at Harry. “Is it true?” She asked. Harry only nodded. Anna scoffed, shaking her head slightly. “Wow. So it wasn’t a truck that took them out, but a dark wizard. Of course.” She looked at Harry again. “But is there a chance they could be alive? I mean, this whole world is magic, right?”

He shook his head - swallowing. “Hagrid...he was the one who carried us out after our parents were killed. He saw them…” Dead. Anna nodded, knowing how hard it was to say the words. “Yeah. Sorry. I just thought...if everything else around here was impossible..that they could’ve also been alive.” She said.

“I know.” Harry said. “Magic can do a lot of things, but it can’t bring the dead back to life.” He said sadly. He handed her a picture - their parents smiling and laughing in the photo. Anna gasped. “It’s the typical kind of photo here.” He tried to explain. “Hagrid made me a scrapbook filled with their pictures. You can look at it whenever you want.” He said quickly, but Anna had already wrapped him in a bear-hug.

“Thank you.” She said - and Harry knew she wasn’t talking about the scrapbook anymore. Harry smiled. “You’ve always belonged in the Wizarding World, Anna. You just didn’t know.” There was a long silence as they separated. “I’m...I’m glad you’re here.” He admitted. Anna grinned. “Me too.”

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