Chapter Eleven: The Feeling No Brother Should Ever Have

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Harry's POV (Point of view)

Harry and Ron had just solved the mystery behind the Chamber of Secrets and the basilisk when a voice suddenly sounded throughout Hogwarts. “All students are to return to their House dormitories at once. All teachers are to return to the staff room - immediately please.” Harry turned to Ron, who replied with a knowing nod as they raced to the staff room - shutting themselves in a wardrobe to listen in on the conversation.

They heard the patter of footsteps of the professors gathering in the room, watching them through the gap in between the wooden doors.  “It happened.” Professor McGonagall began - her voice sounding grave. “Two students have been taken into the chamber.” There was a collection of horrified gasps as the news was taken in.

Snape’s expression was unreadable as he gripped the back of a leather chair tightly. “How can you be sure?” He asked tersely. McGonagall inhaled sharply. “There was another message written under the first. ‘Their skeletons will lie in the chamber forever.’” She recalled with a slight shiver. Madam Hooch’s face was deathly pale. “Which students?” A long silence.

“Ginny Weasley and Lillian Potter.”

Harry felt his blood run cold as he slumped to the floor of the cabinet alongside Ron. This was all a nightmare - it didn’t feel real. But the scariest fact was that it was real - all of it. Anna and Ginny were...gone. Hidden away in the Chamber of Secrets. If Anna was…

No. Harry shook his head. He couldn’t afford to think like that, not when he had just got her back. Though he had only been living with Anna like true siblings for less than a year, he knew her like only a brother could and vice versa. She taught him the extreme over-protectiveness a brother could only have for his sister, and in their midnight talks, how to cope with being The-Boy-Who-Lived.

No one really talked that night. Fred and George were oddly silent, going to bed early. They never went to bed early. Harry could only bury his face in his hands. He wished that Anna hadn’t been alone. He wished that Anna was right next to him - safe.

Images came into his head that would haunt him forever. Anna lying dead on the floor - or worse, still dying. Being tortured by the venom of the basilisk. Anna’s grave, where she would lay next to the stones of their parents.

Harry stood up abruptly, knocking his chair over as he grabbed his wand. “Where are you going?” He heard a voice ask as he was about to step out of the portrait. He shook his head, wearing a small smile. He should’ve known Ron wasn’t going to leave him alone at a time like this. He turned around to face Ron, his wand already out and ready.

Harry felt a newfound wave of determination. “I’m done waiting.” He said gruffly. “It’s time to save our sisters.”

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