Chapter Nine: A Turn of Events

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“Pst! Anna! Anna!”

Anna jumped up defensively as she whipped her head around to see none other than Colin Creevey - Harry’s number one fan. He wore his usual toothy grin, and his camera swung from its place on his neck as he ran up to her. “What are you doing here?” He whispered loudly.

Anna had gone to sneak into the medical wing to see Harry - who was still regrowing all the bones in his arm due to Lockhart’s poor judgement.(“Look!” He had exclaimed. “There’s no pain if there’s no bones that are there to be broken!”) Ginny had to hold her back to make sure Anna didn’t give Lockhart his own broken arm - or neck. Whatever was the closest in reach. “Me?” She hissed. “What are you doing here?”

He held up his camera as explanation. I wanted to get a picture...and see how he’s doing.” He added quickly to the end of his sentence. Anna facepalmed, debating on whether she should tie him to the staircase or take him with her. “Fine!” She agreed, making Colin smile brightly. “But, I’m only doing this so Harry knows to actually dodge the bloody bludger next time instead of going towards it.” She said quickly. Colin nodded happily. “It’s a one time occasion!”

They started towards the medical wing - holding their wands up for light as they made their way through the dark Hogwarts hallways. “So..” Anna began - the silence beginning to feel awkward. “Why do you like Harry so much?” She asked curiously. She’s always wondered why people liked him so much. Sure, he saved the Wizarding World from the most feared wizard ever, but most hadn’t even met him and claimed they loved him.

Colin flushed a bright crimson. “Well, you know. He’s the type of Gryffindor I want to be - not someone who boasts about their bravery. He’s pretty modest, and he could probably be a lot more unpleasant than he actually is. He chose not to give in to fame, and that’s a trait that I admired.” He flushed again, realizing how long he had been ranting. “Sorry, Anna.”

Anna raised an eyebrow. She had not been expecting that to come out of his mouth. Not that it wasn’t true. Anna was well aware her brother could’ve turned into someone like Malfoy. She was extremely glad he hadn’t, or he probably would’ve had to endure a ton of broken noses and herself with bruised knuckles.

“Good answer.” Anna decided to say. She bit her lip. “You know, most people don’t call me ‘Anna’.” She began. “It’s usually ‘Harry Potter’s little sister’ or ‘The sister of The-Boy-Who-Lived’. That’s not who I am. I’m Anna Potter, and I refuse to be thought of as some clumsy sidekick.” She finished determinedly.

“Good answer.” Collin repeated, and the two of them laughed aloud together. It was always relieving to get tough things off your chest. Just as all of her worries faded away, she heard it - the voice.

“I’m so hungry! Blood! So scrumptious and delectable!” The voice groaned. She whipped her head to Colin - every fiber in her body telling her to run. “Did you hear that?” She asked. Colin shrugged. “I don’t hear anything.” He said. “Kill...kill..KILL!” The voice cried out. Anna wasn’t going to kid herself now.

“Run, Colin! Run!” She cried out, grabbing him by the arm as she began to sprint. “Hey! What’s that?” She heard him exclaim. She heard the click of the camera. A deafening silence. Collin was never silent. She didn’t look back, but continued to run.

She didn’t stop until she made it back to the Gryffindor portrait, saying the password quickly before slamming it shut. She collapsed onto the carpet, letting out a small sob before she lifted her hand to her mouth to muffle her cries.

- - -

Anna was now sitting in the Great Hall for breakfast - her plate full and her caffeinated tea drained as she arranged her food on her plate, trying to make it look like she had eaten more than she had. She didn’t have an appetite - how could you when you had basically killed someone? Petrified was the correct term, but it all chalked up to one conclusion - that it was all her fault.

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