Movie Night and a Proposal

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The air smelled of popcorn, caramel, and many goodly-gooey things. I take another whiff of the movie night smell that comes with the night as I reached for another strand of Twizzler but at the last moment, Biana snatched the jar from out of my reach, taking the sweet sticks with her. 

"Biana" I whined, pouting my lip. 

She shakes her head and instead handed me some empty cups, "Nope. We need to have at least a few before people come over. Now, you can start to label these."

I groaned and grumbled as I made my way to my desk and pulled out a sharpie. I didn't get why she insisted on labeling the cups anyways, by the end of the night nothing is considered your own and anything is up for grabs. I just think its a way for her to keep me occupied so I don't eat all the snacks before people come. 

I'm glad that Biana forced us to host the movie night that week, for I had been so preoccupied with school, work, homework, and helping my parents out with Silveny whenever I had a free moment, that I bearly had any time to see my friends. Sure Keefe would make sure I ate and stuff, and Biana would force me to sleep once One AM came to pass, but other than that, I bearly had any human interaction besides my classes. 

Not only that, but I felt like such a bad friend since Tam and Lihn transferred over to our school for the semester, and I hadn't seen them yet. Just then the bell rang and low-and-behold they walk in the door bearing the most glorious thing imaginable, PIZZA! 

Biana greets them at the door, taking the pizza away before my vulturous tendencies could embark upon it. Instead, I turn my craziness onto the two innocent creatures that have stepped into my territory. 

"Hiiiiiii!" I exclaimed, practically jumping on them. Tam got the brunt end of my hug, grunting he steadied himself under my weight. 

"Geeze. Lighten up there, won't you Godzilla," Tam said, practically pushing me off of him.

Lihn swatted his arm, "Seriously? Ugh. I have Donkey Kong as my brother. Hi Sophie, it's so nice to see you." 

"Hi, again. How are you guys doing?" 

"Not bad. Besides the awful people that make up most of my classes, and the horrible school spirit, I'm loving this school," Tam said, his words dripping in sarcasm. 

"Thank you for your honest opinion. So looking forward to when you become a tour guide for incoming students." 

"You would be super convincing. I bet the most influential tour guide this school has ever seen," Lihn added in, walking over to Biana. 

She stole one of the Twizzlers from the jar, "Hey! How come she gets to eat candy already?" I protested. 

"'Cause we know that she won't eat all of them before the movie even starts," Dex chimed in from the doorway. 

Dex and Fitz walked into the room, carrying bags of sodas and such, and a movie, hidden in the movie case. When we started the tradition, we each had one night every semester where we got to choose a movie, without anyone else's consent and hid it until it was time for the movie. No one was allowed to protest (though there was usually a great deal of complaining whenever it was Biana's turn) and there was ABSOLUTELY NO changing the movie once it was picked.  Even by the person who chose the movie.

"Who chose it this time?" Tam asked. 

"I did," Fitz said, raising his hand. 

Tam shrugged, "Eh. Your movies are usually alright. 

"Hey!" Lihn shouted at her twin,  "No need to be completely rude like that."

He shrugged incredulously, "What? It's true."

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