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It has been months since the world fell into a panic. Ever since the disease spread from Ravagog into the neighboring cities, everything has been in lockdown. But that didn't mean that life just suddenly stopped. 

I was in the middle of pouring flour into the batter when I felt two arms snake their way around my waist. Startled I jump back, hitting my head hard against his. 

"Keefe! I'm sorry! Are you ok?" I gently took his head in my hands, angling it so that I could see where he was rubbing. 

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just didn't even think you would jump out of your skin like that. Whatcha doing?"

"Making pancakes," I said turning back while his arms slid their way around my waist again. 

"For dinner?" He asked, his breath tickling my neck as he spoke, flooding me with warmth. 

I leaned back, trying to absorb as much of him as I could. "Why not? I was in the mood, and Grady and Edaline have been hard at work,  so I decided to make it." 

"You truly are something Foster." 

I shrug with my free shoulder, keeping the one occupied by Keefe's chin steady, "I try." 

That's when he kisses my neck, and an electric spark cuts through me. I haven't been able to get used to that feeling, and hopefully, I never will. I could be kissed forever by him, and by how often he's been taking advantage of our living situation, I wouldn't doubt if he felt the same way. 

When news of the disease spread, our school immediately shut down and a lockdown for the entire community was put into place. Not wanting to go back home, and nowhere else to really go, I was able to convince my parents to let Keefe stay with us. Edaline was more than delighted to have him stay, especially after learning about his home life. Grady was more reluctant about having "that boy" stay for an unknowing amount of time, mainly because we are officially dating. But even he gave in, and I think that he too has grown fond of Keefe's antics. 

There were a lot of rules put into place at the beginning though, including; Keefe will be sleeping in Jolie's old room, we aren't allowed to spend time alone together with a door shut (as if we would be doing anything! Geese, Dad!), and NO pranks. There were a few other rules, like no kissing, no taking classes together, and others, but over time the enforcement of those rules became more lenient (a.k.a. nonexistent). 

Keefe was still holding onto me when my parents walked in, "Hey guys!" I call.

"What smell's so good?" asked Grady barging into the kitchen. He was covered in dirt and grass and reeked of the new vegetables we were trying to feed Verdi. 

I shoo him away, "Ugh! Dad! what happened to you?" 

Edaline grabbed his arms, keeping him from dirtying the house even more, and responding for him, as she pushed him up the stairs, "Verdi was not having it today, and Garfield was being very playful." 

"And how is my little rascal doing?" asked Keefe. He and the ape have taken a liking to each other when Garfield arrived at Havenfeild. He even took it upon himself to name the little guy. He originally wanted to call him Beast Boy, in the totally nerdy self that he is, but after that name being vetoed by my parents, he changed it. 

"The next time that he wants to tackle, I'll be sending you out," Grady called from the top of the stairs. 

"But," Keefe protested, "My hair!"

I chuckle, "It's not like we've all seen your bedhead. Anyways, pancakes will be ready after you clean up." 

I could hear Grady exclaiming while Edline made her way over and kissed the tops of our heads. "Thanks for doing this. I'll make sure that he doesn't make a mess like the last time," she said, following him, and yelling to be careful. 

"You're welcome!" Keefe called back to her. 

I nudge him, "Like you did anything." 

"I'm providing moral support." 

I laugh as he fluffs his hair, then trying to go back to clinging to me like the lazy sloth that he is. I hit his arms away, telling him that if he is going to stay here, he's going to have to help out a bit. I throw a towl at him, and push him to do the dishes. 

"Ugh, fine. But you owe me." 

I roll my eyes. "What do I owe you exactly? I am making you dinner for Pete's sake." 

"Who is this Pete? What does he mean to you? And what is his sake?" He mockinly puts up his fists, as if he was going to fight 'Pete'. 

That deserved another eye roll. "You do this every time." 

"Yes, since each time, I can make you smile, and just like now, whenever I point it out, I make you blush." 

"Shut up," I laugh, turning my attention back to wisking my batter. 

He leans closer, daring me, he says, "Make me." 

I meet his glare with one of my own, and with a smirk I respond, "You really want to do this when my parents are right upstairs, and I have an aresenol of gooey, sticky, batter at my disposal, and your hair in my range?" 

"On second thought, I'll go back to washing dishes." 

"That's what I thought." 

"You're the boss, Foster." 

I smile smugly, satisfied with myself. "One last thing," Keefe says, quickly he gives me a quick kiss, leaving me in a puddled mess. 

What can I say? I love this boy. 

A/N: I am so sorry that this took so long, and that this is so short. I have not been feeling "IT" for a while, but I finally have some motivation and inspiration back! I hope that you all are staying safe and healthy! Happy Holidays to whomever it may relate to, and happy new year! (fingers crossed things get better) 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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