24 | Disappointment.

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"You can start the test, good luck guys." the middle-aged teacher wished as she sat down on the chair behind her table, full of sheets and a computer.

Zak frantically bounced his legs up and down, feeling the anxiety he already built up increase even more as he looked through the numbers and various equations which filled up the multiples sheets in front of him, flipping those repeatedly in search of the easier ones.

'Shit, there's no fucking way I'm gonna do it.' he anxiously thought, cupping his face into his hands as he felt a wave of panic hitting him.

After taking a good, deep breath, the Junior let his hands slip away from his face, grabbed his pencil case, which was laying on the left top corner of the table, then pulled it closer.
The opening zip emitted a muffled noise, standing out between the pens already scribbling on the paper and the sheets turning frantically.
With his eyes still pointed on the test, Zak tucked his hand into the case searching blindly for a pen, when a crumpling sound from there catched his attention.
Looking down at the pencil case with a confused frown, he discovered that the cause of that unexpected sound was a cyan sticky note with something written on it.

«I believe in you, little muffin! Don't panic and try to use the tricks I taught you. And if it won't go as well as you wished for, don't worry, I'm sure you tried your best. Good luck! <3»

The surprised expression that appeared on Zak's face, soon turned into a more relaxed and happy one, with a soft and loving smile printed on his lips.
As he folded the small piece of paper on itself and tucked it into his Jean's pocket, the short boy grabbed the pencil he was searching for, and took another deep breath before starting his test, now a little more relaxed than before.

Sunday, the day before, nothing really interesting happened, in fact Zak and Darryl passed most of the day studying for that final and the other one which would be wednesday.
The Junior had a pair of breakdowns and anxiety crisis due the incoming test, but thanks to the help and affection given by the older boy, he managed to calm down faster than he used to.
Nonetheless, Zak post-traumatic stress disorder had is part too, causing a massive panic attack as soon as Darryl left the dorm for buying new bandages, luckily enough, he stupidly forgot his credit card, so he found the short boy before his state could get worse.
Plus, Callahan had to postpone his call due all the work he had, so Zak anxiety wasn't only because the test.

The truth was he was terrified of what he was waiting for him.

More than humanly possible.

"Fuck this shit." Zak whispered as he abruptly got up from his seat and started to pack up his things.

There was more than twenty minutes left before the end of the period, still, the Junior wasn't able to concentrate nor understand anything about his test, and ended up losing his patience.

"Carder, what are you doing?" the teacher asked in a frown, glaring at him from the opposite side of the class, still sitting at her desk.

Without bothering to answer, Zak hunched his shoulder, picked his backpack up and started walking towards her, grabbing the test with him.

"I'm done." he muttered, approaching the middle aged woman.

"How did it go?" she asked, with malicious grin growing on his lips.

The Junior stopped two feet from his teacher as she ended the sentence, squinting his eyes at her tease.
Having none of it, Zak threw the test composed by multiple sheets on the desk, squinting his eyes at the now surprised woman.

"You know the fucking answer." the Junior growled before turning on himself and walk to the exit, causing to most of his classmates to gasp or cheer for him.

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