26 | I don't know you.

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"Alright, ten minutes left." the chemistry teacher announced, without detaching his eyes from the screen of the laptop he was working on.

Flipping the sheet full of incomprehensible exercises written in black ink, but empty of the blue one of the pen the short boy was anxiously fidgeting with, Zak sighed as his eyes scanned those sentences over and over.

'Darryl is gonna so mad at me after this shit, even more than he already is...' he helplessly thought, closing his eyes as he rested his head on his hand which was covering his face.

That morning the blonde boy avoided any interaction with his roommate, by merely giving him some quick glance, ignoring his questions or sentences, and most importantly, he didn't walk to school with Zak as he always did.

It was more than obvious something was off, and that tormented Zak the whole morning, causing him to do terrible on the test. Still, it didn't matter how hard he tried to remember the events of the night before, an empty pitch black would welcome him every time he tried.

For how much he hated it, his last memories were about him going to Zelk's house, and then going to the bathroom on the upper floor after taking some alcoholic beverage. He closed himself into it and, after an undefined period of time, Vincent...

"Five minutes."

'Fuck off.' Zak mentally cussed, burying his face into his hands.

Every single inch of his body screamed in pain, and a tremendous headache kept him company since he woke up. He kept waking up for the whole night to run to the bathroom and throw up the only thing that filled up his stomach, which were the two whole bottles of Vodka he drank the night before.

Zak knew he made a mistake by getting wasted. A huge one.

'I haven't even say sorry to him... Jesus Christ...' he pressed his palms against his closed eyes, gritting his teeth together. 'If I lose him too, I'm done with this shit.' moving his hands on the side of his head, he stared blankly at the test in front of him.
'I won't keep going. I'll end it once for all. I won't fail again.'

"Time's up!" the teacher's hands clapping together caused Zak to flinch. "Bring your test to my desk and you're dismissed."

After staring at the adult getting surrounded by the few people who didn't finish the exam, the short boy sighed and got up, approaching his classmates.

As he waited one step behind the group of Juniors, his eyes drifted to his side, landing on the familiar figure of Vincent, who was waiting as well with arms crossed.

'Jesus Christ...' Zak thought in a frown as soon as his eyes lifted up to the french boy's bruised face, noticing shortly after the broken lens of his glasses. 'What the fuck?'

Straight afterwards, his glance got intercepted by Vincent, whom expression quickly shifted into a hateful one, glaring at the short boy with contempt.
Sighing, Zak eyes drifted on the ground as the younger took a step closer to the desk to turn in his test.

"Carder." the teacher recalled his attention soon afterwards, causing him to flinch a second time.

Once the short boy's glance lifted up from the floor, he realized everyone but him and two other classmates, at their respective desks, left the classroom.

"Oh, sorry, I spaced out." he quickly excused himself, handing to the man his test.

The teacher's kind smile quickly faded away as his eyes swiftly scanned the three empty sheets, flipping them in search of Zak's answers.

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