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Ryes POV

Today is the day one of my closest friends is leaving the band. Mikey. He is one of my favorite people. He helps when things get complicated. With me and Andy.

I leaned up against the car as he hugged goodbye to the boys.I smiled as he walked over to me. The others went inside leaving me to say bye. I gave him a hug and laughed a little.

" it's not like we are never gonna see each other we will all the time" I said

" yeah I know but it still sucks" he said as he leaned against the car beside me looking into the house.
We watched as the boys walking into the living room and sat down. We saw how sad the boys looked but I was more focused on how sad Andy looked. He looked unbelievable sad. I stared at him. I heard Mikey laugh. I looked at him.

" you really can't help it can you"he said I looked at him confused

" what" I asked he shook his head

" nothin just promise me something" he said I nodded

" promise me not to let it slip threw your fingers" he said then went to get in the car

" don't let what slip threw my fingers" I asked he smiled at me

" you'll figure it out" he said then started the car then he was off. Soon his car disappeared down the drive way.

I waited for a couple minutes before walking back inside.
I walked inside to quit the boys were so calm which was unusual. I know they are sad but still it was shocking. I looked around trying to find Andy but he wasn't in there.

"Where is Andy" I asked
brook looked at me

" I give you two guesses and the first one doesn't count" He said then I sighed as I started walking up the stairs soon I got to my room and walked into it. I walked straight out my balcony doors to see Andy sitting on the concrete.

" you know if you wanted this room so much you could've had it" I said laughing which made Andy laugh a little.  I could tell he had been crying. I sat down beside him. Then I scooped him up in my arms  and put him in my lap.

" you are treating me like a child" he said I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. Which made him blush and look down. I lifted up his head connecting are eyes again.

" I can't help it" I said

"You are the one who says I'm the mother of the band so which one am I a baby or mommy" he said looking up laughing I smiled a little

" you're my baby" I said he looked back at my eyes then shook his head standing up

" you can't do that" he said moving to the rails of the balcony.


" don't ask why when you know the answer" he said cutting me off I stood up pinching the end of his shirt.

" I thought we moved past that night" I said he looked at me then put his hand on my face running his finger over my lips. My body started freaking out memory's starts flooding back off that night.

I pushed him away walking back into my room. He started walking pass me tell he got to the door of my room

" guess you were wrong" he said then walked out of room shutting the door behind him

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