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Ryes POV

" you have always been the person I love the most" he said looking down

" I just have never been yours" he said then walked away back inside the house I sunk to the ground

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no nono no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

I got off the ground running back into the house. I pushed the door open to see Andy standing by the door in kitchen. Everybody stopped talking
staring at me when I walked in.

" honey are you okay" my mom asked

" you had on pink shoes" I said trying to catch my breath

" what" Andy said quietly

" the day we met you had on pink shoes and white skinny jeans. With some t-shirt with a band logo on it." I said then took a deep breath

" I will always remember what you wore because I thought you were the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. That was the moment I saw the person who is my soulmate" I said then looked at my parents

" I'm sorry if this disappoints you both but I cant have him think that he isn't my person not anymore" I said then looked back at Andy

" because you are my person. You are my every dream. My every wish. The taste I crave. The best person in my life" I said then took a step closer to Andy grabbing his hand. Then looked back at my parents

" I'm gay or bisexual maybe I don't know but I am with Andy and he is with me and I can't spend my life with out him so if this isn't okay with you then-
I started but my mom cut me off

" of course it's okay with us Ryan" she said I smiled as tears started rolling down my face. I nodded then looked back at Andy.

" good" I said then put my hand on Andy's face

" because I Ryan Beaumont am insanely unstoppable crazily in love with you and I will spent the rest of my life loving you" I said Andy was now crying

" And I know I'm a pain but if you will put up with me I promise to love you more then any other person has ever loved. I promise I will- before I could say anything else Andy grabbed my face kissing me.
I grabbed him lifting him up and spending him around.

I was finally free.

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