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Harry styles, 19, currently sitting in the administration office at Earl Grey College. Why? Well let's take a trip down memory lane shall we...


9 hours prior..

"Why are we leaving the party?" Harry asked, jogging to catch up with his mate Cameron.

"Dude, I thought we went over this, Jack and his faggots tried to pull something on Ashley, they know I'm fooling around with her, they need to know who they're dealing with." He muttered, unlocking his car and opening the drivers side.

"Oh c'mon don't tell me you're going to go start a fight with them.. Look, she knows she's yours in whatever in humane way you guys are involved with, let's just go back inside." Harry tried to reason, not wanting to become a witness in another one of Cameron's angry assaults.

He scoffed, "If you're too pussy to come with me then don't, I'll happily punch their faces in alone."

Harry sighed glancing back and seeing Liam, his best friend.
He shook his head as if to discourage him from getting in the car. He could sense the bad intentions in Cameron and wanted more than anything to protect his friend.

But Harry being the naive and slightly desperate teen he was, sighed, walking around to get into the passengers seat.

"Just a couple punches." He warned, earning a snort and a muttered 'whatever' from the violence crazy delinquent he's somehow gotten involved with.

"I knew they'd be here, parked right outside this crappy corner store." He slammed on the breaks, parking crookedly and getting out of the car.

Harry didn't know whether to sit and wait or follow but the banging on the window and an aggressive gesturing hand gave him the hint that he was meant to follow.

"Hey fellas." Cameron taunted, growing angrier with every step he took.

"Eh little Cammy decided to join us." Jack cackled, tossing his cigarette aside to stand up, straightening his denim jacket in the process.

As you could probably suspect, those 'couple punches' which were never actually promised by Cameron, although it would've been enough to soothe his temper, soon turned into ten, and then twenty and eventually Jack couldn't handle it.

Screams were let out, so was Jack's blood, and then came the ambulance.

Harry didn't manage to leave, being shoved into the police car as a possible guilty suspect. The only noise he could hear was his heart pulsing through his ears, and the repetitive groan of Jack every time he got hit.


9:10 am in the administration office.

"My mom bailed me out do we really have to go through this?" Harry complained, trying to talk Mr. Pearson into letting him off the hook.

Of course a fight like that was reported to the college immediately, and would reflect poorly on the school if and when word got out. He doesn't want that. And it's not the first time Cameron's been the cause of Harry getting his sorry ass in the principals office.

"I'm sorry Harry but involving yourself with those types of people have gotten you into countless amounts of trouble, it's not only making you look bad but this whole school. We can't have it any longer, I won't allow it."

"Please sir, let me off just this once, it won't happen again." He pleaded.

Mr. Pearson shook his head, "You've said that before and it's kept repeating. This was your last chance and you blew it. Your mother's already been called down to come help you with your belongings. Your side of your dorm should be empty by the end of the week, if not, within the next day even."

Harry gaped at the man, "You're actually going to kick me out? Where am I going to go? I got turned down by a lot of other schools before coming here you know."

The principal chuckled in pity of the lost boy in front of him. He's always liked Harry, but he just can't make the right decisions for himself.

"The correct term is expulsion, and it's my only option here. But there's plenty of other options for you, you're a bright kid. You get straight A's in every subject, and I think you can do well at plenty of other schools if you put your mind to it. High school's over Harry, it's time to wake up and start thinking about your future. It's the least you can do after putting your mum through all this Cameron trouble. Time for a fresh start." He told him, signing the paper efficiently and handing it to the still shocked Harry.

"Have your mother sign this and meet back with me today to finalize it all, it was a pleasure having you here."

Harry scoffed, snatching the paper from his hand and storming from the office. Students watched as he crumpled it up, head facing the floor.

"Hey Harry, this school doesn't seem to want you, maybe the big house does." He heard a few kids chuckling behind him.

He ignored them, almost at his room when he felt a rough pull on his arm.

"What the hell?" He looked up, Liam's disappointed eyes staring back at him.

"No, you no longer get to be the angry one, what the hell happened last night?" He ordered, crossing his arms.

Harry sighed, "Cameron nearly killed Jack, he got carried away with his punches, even when I told him not to. It wasn't good, I know that."

"And?" Liam pressed, his tone becoming harsh with impatience.

Harry couldn't speak, his expulsion was still sinking in and he knew how pissed Liam would be, even more pissed. So he just handed him the ball of paper with a defeated sigh.

Liam opened it up with a look of anxiety, his eyes widening as he scanned the words.

"You got expelled?"

Harry nodded pathetically, feeling his eyes start to burn. "He said it happened too many times.. I messed up, I know."

Liam could barely talk either, swallowing to clear his throat. "No, you didn't just mess up Harry. You fucked up, you fucked up bad. Ruined everything that was good for you, what are you going to do now?" He spat, shoving the paper back into his hand and storming off. He was way too frustrated to say anymore.

Harry stood, but soon it was tiring to stand so he slid down, curling into a ball of silent tears until his mum came to pick him up. It was as if he regressed, going back to kindergarden or something.

It was time for him to clean up his act.


A/N: Short prologue because I know how boring they can be if they go on and on and on. It was just to let you all in on some background info, and the next one will be present time. Hope this story goes well, if you have any questions or comments feel free to let me know(: thanks xx

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