Chapter 4

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It's the morning of my first day at Hogwarts, I have been waiting for this day since I was 6, I never thought it would actually happen but now by dream has come true.

I jump out of bed and run downstairs, still in my pyjamas

"Mum-Dad-Dora" I call.

they rush downstairs, panting

"What's wrong" they gasp between pants.

"What's wrong" I say "It's quite the opposite, I'm going to Hogwarts today".

"So?" Dora questions, sounding tired.

"So we have to get up early" I reply.

"But it's 6 in the morning" Dad groaned.

"Exactly, we're already running late" I stated.

I get dressed, brush my teeth and run downstairs to see that my family standing there already dressed.

"So we'll use flu powder to get-" says Mum. I had already guessed that, so before she had finished her sentence I step into the fireplacec, say the words "Platform 9 3/4" and appear in the fireplace of an old cabin. We come out and walk to the station, eventually we see a sign reading Platform 9 and beside it one reading  Platform 10. I had been here a few times before to see Dora leave for Hogwarts and it still amazes me now, we wait until there's no muggles passing by and run through the brick wall between the signs. It's very loud as there are a lot of people leaving for school.

Mum kisses me goodbye and I embrace Dad and Dora in an enormous hug. I get on the train shouting goodbye until my family is out of sight. I walk around the train, trying to find a compartment, I pass by one containing scrawny blonde boy with two big beefy boys at either side, they seem a bit stuck up, probably not the best people to be sharing a compartment with, I keep on walking.
Finally I reach a compartment with only two people in it, a skinny, pale boy with messy jet black hair and thick glasses and a tall thin one with flaming red hair.

"Can I sit here, all the other compartments are full" I ask politely.

This isn't exactly true, the compartment with the three boys wasn't full but there was no way  I was sitting with them.

"Sure" The boy with glasses says kindly.

When I get in I saw that they had ordered every sweet from the trolley.

"Can I have one" I say, trying not to sound as greedy as I felt.

"Help yourself" the red haired boy answers, then as an after thought he adds  "Well if it's ok with Harry".

"Of course" the boy named Harry says.

I pick up a chocolate frog and start chewing it

"So whats your name" Harry asks, while he's munching on some Bertie bott's beans.

"Sophie - Sophie Tonks" I reply.

"Mines Harry Potter" He says casually.

"Harry Potter" I whisper-shout, dropping my chocolate frog.

"Yep" The other boy states "I'm Ron Weasley incase you were wondering".

When I know both of the boy's names we talk non stop, about how Harry only found out last week about Voldemort, about the Dursleys and how they treat him, about Ron's six siblings, about how Fred and George play pranks on everyone, I feel bad for not telling them anything but I'm sure that if they find out my secret they'd never talk to me again. As we're talking a pretty girl with curly brown hair and large, chocolate coloured eyes comes in.

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