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"Mommy" I called, my little arms flailing, trying to grasp at the hem of my mothers dress.

I couldn't get a grip, my hands were slipping away, I begged for her to stay but she was running as fast as she could, further and further into the distance, away from me, as if she was afraid of me.

I looked around trying to spot her but she was gone, she had disappeared into the darkness, too far away for my short legs to carry me, gone and never coming back. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, as I frantically rushed around the forest, searching for my mother. But I couldn't find her. She had abandoned me, left me to fend for my self and I didn't even know why.

After what felt like hours of aimlessly searching I tried to will myself to sleep, but I couldn't, my mind wouldn't stop racing. At just 6 years old, I couldn't comprehend much of what had happened, I just knew I was in a strange place, without anyone to look after me.
I looked around, at this point I was just hoping to see any sign of human life, anyone to make me feel less alone.

Then I saw it, the moon, like a bright hole in the night, and I felt pain I could never have dreamt of before. I felt like it was engulfing me, bringing me closer and closer to the darkness.

I screamed in fear, so loud my throat felt as if it was on fire.

And then the world span and turned to black.

I jolted awake, my brain foggy and my muscles aching , I had deep and cuts on my arms and legs and my hands were covered in blood.

I walked as far as my little legs would carry me, in shock. It had started pouring rain and I was freezing and shivery and miserable. I saw a house and rushed over seeking shelter. I knocked on the oak door and a jolly man opened it to me.

"Dromeda" said the man, my hands were still covered in blood and my cuts and scratches were very visible. A beautiful women with curly, light brown hair and wide kind eyes came into view, she stared at me looking me up and down.

"Come in dear" she said

The Monster Within - Harry Potter Where stories live. Discover now