Chapter 5

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"Oh this is a hard one, she's got a good brain, good spirit to, Oh I know" Then the hat shouts


I run over to the Gryffindor table excitedly and sit beside Hermione and Harry. Thankfully Ron is sorted into Gryffindor too so we weren't separated. We start on our feast. It is amazing, the table is full of every food you can ever imagine. After the feast we sing the school song, it is slightly strange as different people sing in different keys and just completely different melodies altogether.

Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,

Teach us something please,

Whether we be old and bald

Or young with scabby knees,

Our heads could do with filling

With some interesting stuff,

For now they're bare and full of air,

Dead flies and bits of fluff,

So teach us things worth knowing,

Bring back what we've forgot,

Just do your best, we'll do the rest,

And learn until our brains all rot.

When the song finishes the Weasley twins are the only ones still singing, as they have been singing in a slow funeral tune. When everything is done Percy Weasley, Ron's brother, brings us up to our dorms, he leads the boys to one dorm and the girls to another. I say goodbye to Harry and Ron and emerge into our dorm.

The girls I am sharing a room with are called Lavender, Parvarti, Sarah and of course Hermione. Hermione and I briefly speak to the other girls but then we go down into the gryfindoor common room and curl up on a couch together, we talk about Hogwarts, The Wizarding World and boarding school. Mostly I just sit there listening to her ramble on about things (not that I have any problem with that). After few hours I even talk to her about my family but I'm careful to withhold certain information. She tells me about her parents who are muggles, we discuss how muggle technology works. we talk and talk until we slowly drift into sleep. My head resting on her shoulder.

I wake up to Hermione, shaking me awake.

"Cut it out Mione" I mumble, yawning.

"No Sophie it's our first day of school" she exclaims, she sounds so excited and she grins widely, showing her slightly large front teeth.

"Ok, ok. I remember!"

I jump out of bed , change into my school uniform and set off for our first class, Potions. Dumbledore had told me that Snape would be making my wolfsbane potion so I resolve not to get on the wrong side of him, but when I get to the dungeons where potions class was held, he seemed to despise me already.
He starts the class with role call.

"Lavender Brown".

"Here Professor".

"Milecent Bulstrode".

"Here Sir".

"Seamus Finnagan".


It goes on like this until he reached Harry's name.

"Harry Potter, our new celebrity".

The Slytherins snigger. When he reaches my name he pauses but makes no comment.

"You are here to learn the art of Potion making. As there will be no foolish wand waving here, many of you will hardly think of this as magic. I don't expect you to really understand how beautiful the simmering cauldron is but if you respect that, I can teach you many things, how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper to death".

Silence follows his speech. I take out my quill eager to learn.

"Potter" says Snape suddenly "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

My hand shoots up in the air. I look beside me to see that Hermione's hand is up too.

"I don't know sir" Harry says nervously, his eyes darting anxiously around the classroom, looking for answers.

I raise my hand higher. Snape sneers.

"Fame clearly isn't everything"

"Try again Potter. Where would you find a bezoar?"

"I'm not sure Professor"

"I thought you would open a book before coming Potter"

Snape is still acting as if we aren't here. He doesn't even glance over at our table.

"What's the difference between monkswood and wolfsbane?"

I am practically out of my seat my hand is so high. Snape is now staring at me, menacingly.

"Sit down you stupid girl, I asked Potter not you"

Hermione speaks up.

"But she knows the answer sir, why won't you let her say it"

"Because I asked Potter you nitwit, five points from Gryffindor each for your arrogance"

Hermione slouches down in her chair, she obviously isn't used to being given out to. We are asked to make a cure for boils and I am surprised, I'm quite good at potions, not the best in the class but possibly second. Hermione and I as a team works out pretty great, Ron and Harry are pretty useless though. Our potion turns out perfectly but when Snape walks around the classroom to check how they have turned out, he passes by it with no comment.  Once the class has ended an hour later I find my self thinking- WHY does Snape hate me so much.

Harry had gotten a letter from Hagrid earlier this morning asking if he wanted to come to his cabin for tea.

"Can me and Sophie go" Ron said, obviously he didn't know a lot about grammar but I didn't try to correct him

"I don't see why not" said Harry cheerfully. I don't ask him about Hermione coming, I was worried I'd sound too eager.

So the three of us leave the castle and head for Hagrid's cabin, a small, wooden hut beside the forbidden forest and there's a crossbow outside of the front door. We knock on the door and a familiar voice answers-

"Come in"

He opens the door wide revealing only one room inside it. A large kettle boils on the fire and in the corner of the room stood a massive bed.

"Make yerselves at home"

His bullhound fang licks my face playfully. We all sit down on the giant bed and laugh. We tell him about Snape and how unfair he was to Harry, Hermione and I and how life at Hogwarts was going so far.
When we got back to the castle we stay in the common room, Ron is going through all of his Chocolate Frog cards with me, listing them from best to worst, and Harry is reading the Daily prophet, suddenly a look of suprise crosses his face.
"What is it?" I ask.

"Look, this happened on my birthday" He points at a large article about a gringotts vault being broken in to.

"So?" I question, then I remember Harry telling me that he and Hagrid had visited Gringotts on his birthday.

"You don't think it's the same vault do you?"

"That's exactly what I think Sophie, look, the vault it mentioned is the same one Hagrid and I emptied when we were there."

"It's probably just a coincidence" said Ron, offhandedly, still looking down at his cards. Our conversation ended there. I leave the common room to walk upstairs to the dormitories. "Hermione!" I call, looking around for her. When I enter the room I see her, lying asleep on her bed, a book lying open beside her.

A/N: I forgot to say this but I wrote this fan fiction on Quotev (another fanfic site) a few years ago so I understand the writing isn't great, I might edit it soon though.

There'll probably be another chapter today so stay tuned. If you like quidditch you'll love it :)

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