Chapter 3

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Tonight is the full moon, which, as you can probably assume isn't really great on my part. I'm getting ready for it to be a lot worse as we had run out of wolfsbane potion last month. This is the second time this year. Don't get me wrong my parents try hard to get it but it's very expensive and we normally can't get a full years supply, much to my dismay.

My transformations are normally very painful and even when I drink the potion it still feels strange, like that feeling you get after taking that pink drowsy cough syrup.
On the rare occasions I haven't had wolfsbane potion my mind just goes black and I wake up with scars, not remembering anything that had happened. Those were the worst times of my life, the guilt and anxiety of not knowing what you have done. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone.

After any full moon, potion or not, I'm mentally and physically drained for the week and my head is throbbing constantly, like I have a permanent headache, it feels like every cold and flu I've ever had combined.

So, I wake up the next morning feeling like this day will never end, I get dressed into old clothes as I know they will be torn to shreds by the end of the night.

I go down stairs and eat my breakfast. It's rashers and sausages, my favourite, but I don't thank my mum, I just look down at my plate, trying to get through the day.

"So next week is your first day at Hogwarts" Dora says, cheerful. I know she's just saying this to make me feel better, but she only made it worse.

"Yeah and everyone will want to be friends with me because I'll look amazing" I say sarcastically.

I had been thinking about it for days, I know it sounds vain. But who would want to be friends with me when I looked like I'd just been in a car accident?

"Don't.. Sophie" Mum says sadly

"Why, it's true and there's nothing you can say or do to change it" I snap angrily, I run up to my bedroom. I know they are trying to make me feel better, but they just don't understand, they could never understand unless they'd been through what I had.

It went on like that all day, they tried to comfort me but I just kept getting pissed off. You may think I'm a horrible person for screaming at them just for being nice, and maybe I am... I probably am. I just wish they would stop and be quiet for once.

Finally it is night and I am ready to get it over and done with, I go into the shed which I had already destroyed and waited. I take off my shoes as they won't rip as easily and continued to wait. It's about half an hour before I open my eyes to see the moon, a bright, glowing orb in the sky. Pain soars through my body and I slip out of consciousness.

I open my eyes, my whole body is shaking and I feel like I am going to be sick, a sharp pain shoots down my leg and I feel like bursting into tears. I limp over to the house and open the door, Dora rushes downstairs and runs over to me, she embraces me in a tight hug, I wince.

"Oh Sophie are you hurt" she questions, pulling away from me cautiously.

"I-I'm not sure" I croak.

She brings me to my room and lies me down on my bed.

"I'll get Mum and Dad" she says sympathetically.

She comes back in, Mum and Dad by her side. They come over to me and sit at the end of the bed. Mum strokes my hair, whispering in my ear saying things like "Go to sleep- That's a good girl" and "It will all be alright", I can't really hear her through my foggy brain.

Within that next five minutes I drift off into sleep.

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside, my family are sitting down beside me.

"How long have I been asleep?" I yawn.

I still feel terrible and my muscles ache.

"About four or five days" Dora says casually.

"Days" I exclaim. How the hell did I sleep for 5 days.

"Yes, you had a long rest" Mum states, looking happy.

I get out of bed, surprised to find that my leg no longer hurts, before I can comment on it I realise that of course my mum is a witch, and a good one. She can easily heal sprained joints and even broken bones. My parents walk out of the room ,Dora following after them, leaving me on my own.

I walk over to the mirror and see that I look as terrible as I had imagined, I have purple bags under my eyes and fresh scratches on my face.
I realise that I'm wearing different clothes than the old tattered ones. I blush, embarrassed that even at 11 years old, my parents still had to take care of me like this. 
I think of how I'm going to have to meet the kids I'll know for 6 years... looking like this.
Well, I'm screwed.

A/N: Sorry this chapter was so short, I was going to combine the Hogwarts express and this together but then it would be way to long.

So what do you think about how I wrote her transformations, sorry I did the whole thing where she had no wolfsbane potion but I thought it would make a good chapter.


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