Chapter 2

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(A/N I forgot to say but my book has swearing in it so I just wanted to tell you for the future)

*two days later*

Ellie's P.O.V

I wake  at 6am to this annoying beeping sound. After about 10 second I notice its my alarm clock so I slam my hand down to shut it up. About 2 minuets after I decide to get out of bed and stand in something hard then hear a 'owww'. Oh yeh I forgot Charlie stayed at mine last night. "Oops sorry babe but you need to get up." She groans and hides her face into the pillow. Right this is it she needs to get up. I jumps off my bed and land 2cm away from her head.

"YOU DICK HEAD! YOU COULD OF SQUISHED MY HEAD THEN!" She screamed so loud she could of wake up the whole of London.

"Excuse me but last time I checked I didn't have a dick on my head and I was no where near your head your fine. Anyway you need to wake up now and put the rest of our baggage in the van for shipping. Oh and I forgot I have a surprise for you!" I totally forgot we need to be at Starbucks at 7. We need to hurry and get ready.

*1 hour later*

Charlie's P.O.V

"Just go inside Charlie. I know your not 'in the mood for Starbucks' but I am okay so all we have to do is buy one then we can leave." I felt sick today but I don't know why it was probably all the excitement.

"Okay. 5 minuets. I'll sit over there and if your not here in 5 minuets I'm leaving okay!" I really wasn't awake yet and I looked a mess so I didn't want to be here. I walk over to the empty table and go on Twitter and post 'L.A here we come!' I'm going through all the tweets and one catches my eye it says 'Can't wait to be in L.A with my baes!' But the thing that catches my attention the most is who write it. It was mine and Ellie's old best friend Katie.

Katie, Ellie and I was all best friends since high school. As Katie started we was in our last 2 years. My mum knew Katie's mum so we looked after her and became best friend I guess. But one day Katie's mum and dad split up so she had to move with her mum up to Scotland and I haven't seen her for 4 years.

All of a sudden I hear a squeal and I turn around to see my long lost best friend Katie. I think I'm crying because all I see is a fuzzy image. I stand up and we run to each other and she jumps and wraps her legs around my waist (I know its sorta a relationship thing to do but I wanted it to be like this) after a couple of minuets just stud there squeezing each other and crying. She hops down and we make our way to my table.

"Katie! Its you its actually you!" She nods and grins so big "I haven't seen you in 4 years! You look so different. But a good different. Do you have a Scottish accent? I love Scottish accents. Say something. Say 'Charlie I love you and I will never leave you ever again' please?" She giggles a little then starts to talk.

"Calm down Charlie you haven't even..." I cut her off.

"How come your not speaking Scottish?" I asked.

"Well little miss know it all. If you let me finish you would find out why." She gives me a 'I'm the boss' joking looks. "Well, we moved to Scotland and lived there for 1 year but my mum didn't like it so I moved to Sheffield."

"Oh.. Oka well anyway I can't believe your here. Actually what are you here for?" I didn't mean to sound bitchy but I think I did.

"Well Ellie called and asked me if I wanted to come to L.A with you and told me it would be a surprise for you." She sounded really upset. Oops. It was a awkward silence for about a minuet until Ellie came back with 3 drinks. She placed them on our drinks on the table then jumped onto Katie.

"Hey Katie boo. I've missed you so much I can't wait for all of us to live together. Its going to be awesome."

After we drank our coffee and finished talking, we made our way back to Ellie's and we grabbed our bags and made called a taxi to the airport.

We got to the airport at 9am and it seemed like forever before we got in the plane and into our seats but we finally did and I was so tired I started to fall asleep. As the plane set off I felt someone grab my wrist and squeeze really tight.

"Ellie? Are you okay?" I was starting to panic a little.

"Yeh, I'll be fine I'm just not a big fan of flying." Oh. Right.

"Oka well I'm always here if you want." She gave me a little smile but then her face turned back in to panic mode. I decided to leave her and let her sleep so I put my headphones in. The song that came on was Wild Life bye Jack and Jack. I loved this song.
Wild like wild life
Yeh no telling what I might do when I'm in the right mood you know my I'm all up in the party live a V.I.P and everything is looking better for my P.O.V.

I know the words of by heart. I must if been singing/rapping it out loud because Ellie elbowed me and everyone was looking at me. Oops. I guess this is my cue to go to sleep.

It only seemed like I had 20 minuets sleep but I slept the whole flight. Wow I was tired. We got in and because they are 8 hours behind us it was only 12am. I know its crazy.

Anyway we got to our new house and it was big. When I say big I mean it looked like a superstar should live here.

"How did we afford this house?" I asked.

"My mum helped out and you know she has a lot of money." Katie said. Yeh her mum had so much money so she probably paid for most of this.

"Oh. Okay. Tell her thanks pls." I didn't know what else to say.

"Okay. I will."

*10 hours later*

Ellie's P.O.V

Its been 10 hours in our new house and its already a mess. Its full of box's and food and other things but I'm getting pretty tired now so I'll clean in the morning.

"Guys I'm off to bed now so keep it down okay!" I yell across the house.

"Okie dokie." They both say together.

I go to my room and its a big room so I have a really big king sized bed and my own bath room and walk in wardrobe. Yey. Anyway I start to get changed and take my top off but I almost feel like someone's watching me. I know no one can because I'm in my room and no one can see in and I shut my blinds... Shit I forgot to shut my blinds. I run over and see someone standing at a window watching me. Pervert. No wait a minuet... No. It can't be. It is... It's the one and only Cameron Dallas. Me and Charlie have been Magcon obsessed since Püma. I feel like screaming but I have to act cool. Shit i forgot I have no shirt on still. I shut my blind and get into my pyjamas. Anyway I'll just go see him tomorrow and 'introduce myself' to him.

I need to sleep now. I go over to my big warm bed, put my phone on charge and before I know it I'm asleep.

(A/N I know I missed but my phones been playing up so I had to write it on my Mac book tomorrow . Sorry. I will update because I'm getting a new phone. Yeyy. Anyway sorry again and I know its probably crap but I tried)

-Stay Nashty-

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