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Percy’s P.O.V

“Percy, are you sure about this?” Luke asks, “I’m not going against you here, but I want to make sure you know what you’re doing and what the consequences will be.”

“I’m sure.” I assure him.

“Well, in that case I’m completely on your side on this one.” Silena says.

“Yeah,” Bianca says, “Let’s give this demigod scums a taste of their own medicine; see how they like it.”

“I’m not so sure about this guys...” Beckendorf’s says, his voice trailing off in the middle of the sentence. “Think about all of the things that’ll happen after you do this. The camp will go into a frenzy, we’ll lose what we have left of their trust, and at least one person will try to kill us as soon as they find out we were the ones that took her.”

“First, the camp can burn to ashes and I wouldn’t care. Second, I’m perfectly fine with losing their trust. And third, if anyone attacks us we’ll just fight back. Harder.” I say.

All that I said was true. But a small voice in the back of my head was telling me that something wasn’t right with my statement. It was like something will go wrong, and I know what it is but I don’t know that I know. 

I had already told everyone my plan and the only thing left that had to be done was them accepting to be a part of it. It’s pretty simple if I do say so myself. All we need to do is take away someone that they all care about. And I already know who that someone is.

“Percy we need to think long and hard about this. Are you sure this is what you want? Is this what Zoe would want?” Lee asks me. 

I look down at the sleeping beauty. I’m playing with her long hair and her head is resting on my lap.

Is this what she would want? Am I doing this for me and not her? 

“Sometimes revenge isn’t about getting back at someone, but about making the score even.” Zoe’s says in my head. I smile slightly, remembering the moment that she told me this.

It was a normal summer day at home and Luke, along with the others, had decided that it would be funny to prank me. Long story short they decided that to turn my sword into a snake in the middle of a practice session. I was talking to Zoe about how I would get my revenge and she said that quote. At the time I thought it was just because she helped them and didn’t want me to prank her, but now I know there’s more to that quote then meets the eye. 

“They hurt my Zo-Zo.” I say. “They must pay the price.”

The others share knowing looks before looking back at me and nodding. All theirs faces holding a look of determination.

“We’re in.” They say in sync.


Jason’s P.O.V

“Are you okay Jason?” Piper asks me, placing her hand on my tense arm.

“Yeah.” I say looking at the others, “Do you guys think he would seriously do something like that?” 

We were sitting in my cabin talking about the whole Percy situation. It started off with us trying to find a cure to fix Grover’s horn. But I ended up spilling my guts and telling them all about Percy’s latests threat to take someone away from us.

“I don’t think so.” Annabeth says, “The Percy I know-”

“Isn’t alive anymore.” Grover gut her off, “This isn’t the same percy as the 12 year old whom first arrived here. The one who loved blue food, and would do anything to keep his loved ones safe. That Percy is gone, he’s dead.”

“Yeah. ‘Cause you guys killed him.” Nico says, his voice having a certain edge to it.

“It’s not fair that we all have to pay for what your stupid camp did.” Reyna agrees.

“They’re right. Why are we having the same consequences as the people who made Percy leave the camp in the first place.” Hazel says, taking everyone by surprise.

Normally she would be the one telling us to calm down and that we should stick together no matter what. What is happening here? Where is the Hazel I know?
“It wasn’t our fault!” Annabeth objects.

“Really? Everyone has been babying you ever since you cheated on him. But no one has had the guts to tell you the truth.” Nico says standing up, “It’s all your fault that this happened. Everyone turned against Percy and you were all he had left. I was barely ever here and he couldn’t go visit the romans. If you would have acted like a true daughter of Athena and been just a little bit smarter none of this would be happening. The rest of the camp would have realized that Nathan was a fake, and everything would go back to normal. You just couldn’t resist yourself could you, Annabeth? You just had to drink the stupid love potion!” 

And with that Nico stormed out of the cabin, shutting the door behind him quite loudly. I watched as Hazel, Frank and Reyna shared looks before giving all of us 

“It’s all my fault.” I hear a weak voice. 

I look over at Annabeth whom has tears streaming down her face. Her grey eyes that once held wisdom now hold sadness.

“It wasn’t, Nico was just mad and he used his words for revenge. It wasn’t your fault.”

“Jason’s right.It really wasn’t your fault.” Piper says comfortingly, “Nico was just mad. Speaking of which I’ll go check on them. I’m sure Nico will apologize as soon as he walks through that door.”

Piper stands up quickly and leaves the room, shutting the door behind her as quietly as possible, unlike Nico who did the exact opposite.

Oh, trust me you’ll find out soon enough.

Percy’s voice echoes in my head.

You’ll find out soon enough...

Soon enough...

“Piper, wait! It’s a trap.” I scream, running out of my cabin as quickly as possible. “Piper!” I scream once I’m outside, taking in the scenario in front of me. 

The campers are all training hard, preparing themselves for an attack that could come any second.

Mr.D is playing cards with some satyrs.

Chiron is teaching archery.

Everything seems like it’s in place. Except for one thing; Piper’s not here.

I take a deep breath before whispering:

“It’s their trap." 

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