Chapter 5

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Author's Note: Sorry I haven't updated in ages, life has been busy! Anyway here's a new chapter for you all!


Saturday 7th of September

"Thank goodness it's Saturday." Santana whispered softly into Brittany's neck. They had just woken up. "I'm not leaving this bed all day... except to eat and use the bathroom." She imagined.

"Why leave this bed to eat? There's something here to eat already." Brittany teased with a cheeky smirk as she connected lips with Santana.

Just as the kiss was deepened, Brittany's phone begun to ring.

"Just leave it. If it's important, they'll ring again." Santana muttered onto Brittany's lips. The phone stopped ringing so they began groping each other again.

"Ugh! Fine, take the call." Santana groaned as Brittany's phone rang again. The blonde gave Santana one last kiss before answering the phone and walking out of the bedroom.

"Go for Britt." She sang into the phone.

"Hey Britt, it's Mike." She heard through the phone. She recognised her colleague's voice immediately.

"Hi Mike. It's a Saturday, we don't have work today."

"I know. I have a favour to ask you. I'm really sorry about calling so early but I don't know who else to ask."

"Mike, don't worry. You can call me anytime. Is everything alright?" She asked as she grew concerned for one of her closest friends.

"Well my little brother Aidan is staying with Tina and I for the week. Tina is feeling sick and I need to stay and take care of her but I don't want Aidan catching whatever she has. Would you and San take him for the day? I know it's a lot to ask and I will be sure to pay you both for helping out on such short notice." Mike explained.

"Mike, take a breath. Of course we will watch him for the day. And don't worry about money, it's our treat. Just take care of Tina so she can feel better." Brittany replied.

"Thanks B, I'll drop him round in about an hour, is that alright?"

"Yep, that's perfect. See you then. Bye." Brittany hung up the phone. She made some coffee and brought it back to bed where Santana was waiting for her.

"Get back in bed. I thought we weren't leaving." Santana said with a frown. When she saw the coffee, it quickly changed into a smile.

"Change of plan. Tina is sick and Mike needs us to watch his little brother Aidan. Is that alright?" Brittany asked.

"Yes, of course. How old is he?"

"He's 5 I think. I'm sure he will be easy to take care of." Brittany replied with a smile. "Mike is dropping him off in hour so we should probably get ready. I don't know how Aidan would feel about seeing his babysitters naked in bed." Brittany said with a chuckle.

"Good point." Santana laughed along. "Let's get ready."


"Hi!" Brittany said as she opened the door to find Mike and his mini-me - Aidan. The little boy looked just like his brother, he was tall and strong (for a 5 year old) and had dark black hair swept across his forehead.

Mike lead the little boy into the apartment and they both took a seat on the couch. Brittany sat opposite and a moment later, Santana joined her.

"Aidan these are my friends Britt and San. They met you when you were a baby but you won't remember them." Mike explained to the little boy. The two girls gave a little wave which Aidan returned.

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