Chapter 19

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Saturday 1st of February

Today was the day. The big day. Their wedding day.

Santana was feeling nervous. Really nervous. This was the biggest day of her life so far. It was the day where she made Brittany hers forever. After years of build up, the day was finally here.

The knots in her stomach were a mixture of nerves and excitement. There was so much that could wrong: she could trip, spill something on her dress, an embarrassing speech from her maid of honour, just to name a few. But then she remembered that even if everything went wrong, Brittany would still be her wife by the end of the day. That fact alone made all the nerves worth it.

"Ready?" Quinn asked softly. She stood behind the bride in the mirror and made eye contact.

"Ready." Santana confirmed.

Quinn walked her to the top of the aisle and gave her arm to her father - Raphael Lopez. She smiled and winked at her best friend before opening the doors and taking the first step down the aisle.


"Ready?" Mike asked Brittany as the audience went silent. The doors opened and the opening violin melody of 'At Last' played.

"Ready." Brittany confirmed. She shook her hands around anxiously before settling in place at the bottom of the aisle.

As mercedes started to sing, Quinn walked down the aisle. She was the only bridesmaid. Zoe walked down next dropping petals out of her basket.

When the two previous girls had stood by Brittany in their position, the other bride approached them.

Santana was perfect. She walked slowly towards the love of her life with the biggest smile she had ever worn. Her white dress contrasted against her tan skin. Her dark hair fell over her bare shoulders in an angelic way.

Brittany's breath was taken away. She didn't want to blink so she could appreciate every second of her bride's beauty. A small tear escaped her eye which she delicately wiped away.

Santana arrived and stood opposite her bride. They both just stood there for a minute, smiling. It was already the happiest day of their lives. They both felt like the luckiest girl in the world.


"Welcome, friends, family and loved ones." Burt Hummel began. He was chosen to officiate the ceremony. "We gather here today to celebrate the wedding of Brittany and Santana. You have come here to share in this formal commitment they make to one another, to offer your love and support to this union, and to allow Brittany and Santana to start their married life together surrounded by the people dearest and most important to them."

"Before we get to the fun stuff are there any objections?" Burt asked. Everyone held their breath in anticipation. "Good." Burt continued after no one objected. "Will everyone please rise." Everyone stood up.

"Will you, Brittany, take this woman to be your wedded wife?" Burt asked.

"I will." Brittany replied.

"Will you, Santana, take this woman to be your wedded wife?" Burt asked again.

"I will." Santana replied.

"Will you who are present here today, surround Brittany and Santana in love, offering them the joys of your friendship and supporting them in their marriage?" He asked.

"We will." The congregation spoke in unison.

"You may be seated." Burt said. They all sat down.

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