Chapter 20

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3 years later

"Santana!" Brittany shouted up the stairs for the third time.

"Coming B!" Santana called back as she hopped down the stairs.

Their baby was crying and wanted his stuffed animal.

As Santana sat down on the couch next to her wife she smiled at her son.

"Here's bluebear." She told 1 year Mateo. She handed him the blue toy.

Mateo's crying stopped and he held his bear tightly in his arms, giving it a hug. He smiled and his dimples were visible, something he got from his mama.

"He's probably hungry." Santana suggested. "I'll get him a bottle." She walked into the kitchen of their home and heated a bottle of milk. She tested the temperature on her forearm, making sure it wasn't too hot.

She returned to the kitchen and sat on the couch. Brittany gently passed their son to his mama who held him in her arms and fed him. The blonde watched closely as the dark haired Latino boy sucked the plastic nipple. She stroked his head gently, comforting him.

Santana loved the feel of her son in her arms. It felt right. She protected him from all the dangers of the world and cherished his little life every minute of every day.

Mateo began to shut his eyes, showing that he was tired.

"We should take him upstairs." Santana suggested with a whisper. Brittany nodded in agreement.

Santana carried the baby upstairs while Brittany locked the doors and turned off the lights.

Santana took Mateo's clothes off his body and rubbed his bare stomach to relax him. He watched her, silently. She changed his diaper and dressed him in soft pyjamas. She picked him up again and sat in the rocking chair.

Brittany walked into the nursery and sat next to her wife and son. She began to tell a story. Every night the blonde made up a tale using her vivid imagination. She created different voices for the characters and took her listeners on an adventure.

Then Santana hummed a lullaby as she rocked him to sleep. When he dozed off she laid him down in his crib. She kissed his forehead and whispered "mama loves you."

Then Brittany kissed him and whispered "mommy loves you too."

They set up the baby monitor and turned on the nightlight before leaving the nursery and walking into their bedroom.

They changed into pyjamas and brushed their teeth. They climbed into bed and fell into their sleeping position; Brittany on her back with Santana curled into her side.

"I love him more than anything." Brittany thought aloud as she played with her wife's dark hair.

"Me too." Santana agreed. "I didn't know I could love something so small, so much." She joked.

They fell into a lazy mood. Santana drew circles on Brittany's chest mindlessly.

"I do love him, but I also love to sleep all the way through the night." Santana joked. Their bundle of joy kept them up most nights with his crying. They didn't like getting up and sorting him out but his smile was worth losing sleep for.

"Goodnight, I love you." Brittany said softly, closing her eyes.

"Goodnight, I love you too." Santana replied.

After a couple of hours sleep the couple awoke to screaming and crying. Brittany opened one eye and checked the time: 2:46AM. She looked at the baby monitor and saw Mateo was awake and upset.

"I'll get him." Brittany said softly. Santana had to get up early for work so she allowed the brunette to sleep.

Brittany wandered into the nursery and saw her baby boy standing in the crib, his little arms reaching out, wanting to be held by his mommy.

"Mommy's here." She told him. She picked him up and bounced him on his shoulder until he stopped crying. He wasn't hungry or needed changing, he just wanted to be held and comforted.

Brittany brought her son back to their bedroom. She placed him on the bed and took off her shirt. She laid down and removed the baby's pyjamas. He spread out on her chest and fell asleep. They found that skin to skin contact really helped to comfort their baby. Brittany gently rubbed his back and fell asleep again.

Santana opened her eyes to check on them and saw they had both fallen asleep. She kissed her son's soft, tanned cheek. Then she kissed her wife's forehead.

She closed her eyes and felt all the love in the world knowing her perfect little family were safe.

The end

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