Chapter 8

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Author's note: I apologise in advance....


Wednesday 4th of October

Mercedes tour began that night. All the preparation was done and she was finally hitting the road to perform her new album. She started in California and was working her way back across the states and finishing in New York. Santana had finalised all the public relations work and Brittany's dancers were on the road and ready to back up Mercedes. The two ladies could finally relax. All their work was complete.

Santana had left her office for the day and was driving home when an idea popped into her head. She pulled over and walked into the nearest grocery store.

She scanned the aisles until she found the most expensive champagne she could get her hands on. She picked it up, check the label and after approving, carried it to the checkout.

"Celebrating?" The checkout boy asked.

"Yes. I just finalised my work and now I'm free to relax." Santana explained.

"That's a good enough reason to get drunk." The boy chuckled. Santana joined in with his laughter. "I hope your hard work pays off."

She paid for the bottle of champagne and thanked the checkout boy. She gave him a tip since she was in such a good mood. She climbed back into her car and finished her journey home.


Santana walked through the door of her apartment and was surprised that she wasn't met with a bubbly blonde. She looked around and couldn't see Brittany, meaning she was in the bedroom or bathroom.

"Perfect." The Latina said quietly. She wanted to surprise the girl anyway and now she had a chance to. She grabbed two champagne flutes and filled them with the freshly bought drink. She stood by the kitchen counter and smiled when she heard footsteps heading in her direction.

"Hi san." Brittany called out as she walked into the kitchen area. "Oh champagne. How fancy!"

Santana handed her a glass. "To Mercedes tour." She toasted. Brittany clinked their glasses together and took a small sip. "I thought we could have a relaxing night in. Order takeout, I'll give you a massage and we can drink this." Santana said, gesturing to the champagne.

"Sorry san, I can't stay and celebrate. I've got to head out." Brittany said as she gave the brunette a quick peck on the cheek and slipped her shoes on.

"Where are you going?" Santana asked, a little disappointed at the sudden change of plans.

"Just out with Quinn." Brittany replied nonchalantly.

"Out with Quinn? Again? That's the third time this week!" Santana said, getting frustrated at the lack of time she was spending with the blonde. "At least tell me where you're going." She said with furrowed brows.

"I can't." Brittany said quietly. She hated lying to santana but she really couldn't tell her where she was going. She knew Santana wouldn't like that. She cringed at what she knew was about to happen.

"You can't tell me? Why?" She raised her voice. The anger was building in her stomach. She could feel it spreading across her body as snix came out to play.

"I just can't." Brittany kept her eyes fixed to the ground. She seemed very interested in one of the knots in the wooden floor. She had to avoid eye contact to resist telling Santana any information.

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