one day to the next

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"Master, when is this friend of yours gonna get here?" 'Well the girl knows what questions to ask, that's four sure.' "When they do, Jaden." Before she could respond they both felt a shift in the force, a killing intent. "This can't be good." 'Sensing Rosh the other day. Now this, no, this can't be a coincidence.' "Jaden, get ready to fight."

Feeling four signatures in the force long before she heard the engines of the ship. Ashoka rose from her meditative position to go and greet her saviors. Looking skyward she spots the ghost coming in for a landing. "Brought the whole family and then some eh, Ezra?"

"This is gonna be good." The one-armed man said to himself as he watched the two inquisitors approach his former master. Looking at Jaden he finishes his plan for revenge on her. "They'll prove to be an excellent distraction." Watching the redhead woman and the bald man engage Katarn he starts his slow approach.

Standing behind a large tree he can hear the three of them battling. "Still running Jaden? Good, that'll only make what's to come that much more satisfying."
Stepping out from the tree he makes way for Jaden. Looking behind him he estimates they've got to be close to hundred yards away from the others. "You won't be escaping me this time, Jaden! I know you're here, I can sense you!" Sensing the thrown saber before he saw or even heard it, he ducks underneath it. "Is that your best?"

Getting a laugh out of his old friend's attacks he waits for her to come out of hiding. "So Jaden, how's Kyle been?" Jumping to the side to avoid the bottom to top vertical swing from Jaden as she crossed the gap between them with speed, he laughs again. "Oh, that's a new move from you. When did Kyle teach you that?"

Stepping forward to meet her blade with his he scowls at her. "Ya know, Jaden, I remember you being a lot more impressive than this." Being abruptly cut-off by a boot to the gut and then pushed several meters away with the force she shouts. "Please, you act like I'm actually trying to fight you, Rosh!" Rising from the ground he runs at her. "Predictable." She mumbles out just under her breath.

Finally touching down on Malichor Ezra and Kanan stand by the bay door waiting for it to lower. "So why is it you haven't told me why we 'need' to come back here?" Kanan asked. "Because master, we left something of great importance here. Something we can not leave unattended any longer." Ezra responded while using the good ole' fashioned Jedi not answer. "That didn't answer the question, Ezra." Kanan pointed out while sighing at his former padawan's games. "That's the point, Kanan," Ezra told him in a curt tone, a little upset that he didn't play along with the whole thing. "Your no fun anymore Kanan, you know that?"

Locking sabers with Rosh was harder to do then Jaden thought it would be. "Have you been skipping strength training again Jaden?" Rosh mocked. "No, I haven't. I guess it's true then." She said answering her own unasked question. "What's true? Your weakness or your vengeful nature?" She smiled and leaned in to speak into his ear. "Just that idiots really are stronger then smart people." She was expecting an angry growl from him, not uproarious laughter. "Wha- ahh!" She was cut off when he used the force to grab her lekku and wrenching them forward painfully. Pulling her head down along with her lekku he knees her in the face. Releasing them and allowing her to stumble back he strides forward and kicks her right knee cap into the knee causing it to fold in onto itself and bringing her to the ground. Looming over her he smiles.

  Walking down the ramp with Kanan at his side was almost refreshing. He would never tell Sabine but the battles he's had to fight recently, she would have only gotten in the way, just like Mira and Emilia did when he fought Vader. 'But now that Kanan's agreed to the plan, I can leave the others unattended or even send Kanan out so I can have more time with Bean and Aiden. And once we go get Kyle and his padawan, then those kids from Nal Hutt. It's all coming together now.'

  Stepping off the ramp and reaching out he can feel Ashoka around a few of the rubble piles. "Follow me, Kanan." Leading the way he can feel Kanan's surprise when he lays eyes on Ashoka walking towards them waving happily at the sight of her friends. "Ashoka, it's been too long, how have you been?" Crossing her arms at Ezra's little joke. "Can't you see, I've got the newest and most modern of apartments." She said with fake smugness while waving her left hand at the ruins of the temple.

  Looking down at Jaden, prone, and in pain on the ground, Rosh couldn't help but smile. "Are you ready to die Jaden?" He asked as he raised his saber for the killing blow. "Now die!" before the blade could hit a blue blade clashed onto his and forced a blade lock. "Stop this Rosh. She doesn't deserve this." Glaring over at his former master Rosh could feel the shame radiating off of him at the sight of his fallen padawan. "Oh, really master? If I remember right she cut off my entire left arm! Then, left me to die in the tomb of Marka Ragnos along with all the others she killed down there!" Kyle wanted to argue against him but knew he was right. "Jaden had been overtaken by the dark side. Much like you are now, and as she did, you can come back from this too. Rosh, this doesn't have to be the end."

  Settling in on a seat in the ghost's cockpit Ezra tells Hera to make way for Nal Hutta. "The pirate's moon? What do we have to do with them?" Realization seemed to dawn on her then her face became stern. "EZRA BRIDGER YOU BETTER NOT OWE ANY PIRATE'S ANY CREDITS!" She whipped around in her chair so fast her lekku flew off to the side and hit Kanan upside the head "Oh, my eye!" He yelled in pain as the tip of one of her lekku hit him in his eye.

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