19: Escaping The Unknown

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[A/N] WARNING!!! Strong language

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[A/N] WARNING!!! Strong language.

The road extended before Mallory's sight, a dark, infinite route that seemed to have no end as the car kept moving at a fast but steady pace. Everything looked the same in her eyes, a monochrome, endless path that had no definitive features to remember.

She was drained, the horror of what she witnessed and the hiccups the haven't stopped rocking her bones started to take their toll of her body.

Mallory's eyelids grew heavy, but she was afraid of letting them shut. Her eyes were stinging with tears, and she knew that, once she would close them, she'd see nothing but the lifeless face of the poor housemaid.

"What's going to happen to us?" she asked her bodyguard with a trembling voice, not taking the risk in looking at him, she already knew what would she find.

"I'm taking you to a safe place," he replied, looking ahead. His calm manners surprised her, she wondered how could he keep himself collected in such devastating situations.

Although, deep inside, she wanted to know where exactly they were going, but she hadn't the energy to argue. Letting her head slump on the window, she watched the scene outside the vehicle changing from the almost-empty, long road to a series of different height buildings, faded street lights and small windows moving in a slow blur, forming shadows over her face behind the tinted glass.

After an unknown amount of time, Taron pulled over in front of a building, causing Mallory to lift her eyes in a quizzical stare.

"We're here," he announced. Opening the door, he offered her a hand, which she gratefully took in her shaky one as he wrapped his jacket around her frame with his free one.

"Where are we?" she asked with evident perplexity as she stared at the old-looking building they were standing before.

"You'll see in a minute," was his clipped answer as he led her toward the entrance, she always hated his short reactions, they were very unsatisfying.

Punching a series of numbers on a security lock, a buzzing noise ensued from the device as the door of the building clicked open, telling them to go inside.

The building was, obviously, uncared about. Old, slightly-molded rugs concealed the floors under worn walls with chipped paintings and cracked ceilings.

Mallory's legs wobbled as she forced herself to climb a couple of creaky stairs ending with a dim, narrow corridor, she would have tripped and fallen face-first if it wasn't for her bodyguard's support.

Finally reaching the end of the corridor, the due stood before a pale door with a rusty '23' hung upside down in the middle of it.

Taron had to knock a couple of times before a muffled voice started to come from behind the closed door.

The nearer the voice came, the clearer Mallory could hear it. It belonged to a female, she was releasing a series of profanities.

The door opened with a loud squeak, revealing an old woman. At a first impression, she looked very annoyed by their sudden intrusion.

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