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//HELLO! So the cold was a false alarm, I was just really sick from allergies on Friday and yesterday. And to make it up to everyone, I'm making chapter 21 long. Not sure how long? But a decent amount of words will be done. Also, the chapter will be NSFW. So this chapter may contain a few sex scenes, which is always something to look forward to. This chapter is also going out to the vampire children, because they don't get enough screen time as it is. And I think, once you get to a certain point. Everything will start to become interesting.
So have fun you guys.

**Monty's Pov.**

"Ow." I whimpered underneath Jace who bit into my shoulder, holding me still as he bit in deeper.
My face was completely flushed as Jace finally removed his teeth, his black eyes finally turning back to blue as he looked down at me.
"Sorry." He breathed out, pressing his lips against mine.
I shook my head as he laid next to me.
I really thought for a moment, we were going to do it.

Or he was going to kill me, for good.
But instead, he wanted to drink.
Which felt a lot worse this time than the past times, he's done it.
He wasn't as kind, this time.

"You're still pissed about earlier." I pointed out.
Jace looked to me.
"Of course I'm fucking pissed Monty, I think I have every right to be." He said now.
I frowned.
"I know." I murmured.
Jace sat up as he looked at me.
"I didn't mean to take it out on you, you know that right?" He questioned.
I nodded sitting up now.
"I know, but I did kind of do it to myself. I kept the fact, Joshua was feeding on me from you. But the compulsion-"

"I know." He said tightly, his jaw clenching as he stared at the door.
I looked down at my lap.
"Shut up." He said pressing his lips back to mine, this heat radiating off him now.
"I just want to do it already." He said removing his shirt.
I stared for a moment but nodded, nibbling my lip as I tugged my shirt off now.

Jace smirked deviously pushing me back down, his lips capturing mine.
His hands running through my hair as he deepened the kiss.
My face grew warm feeling him against me.
Slowly grinding at first.
"Jace." I whimpered as he grinned.
"What is it, Monty?" He purred kissing my ear then jaw, I felt his tongue trailing down the side of my neck, biting into a new section in my neck.

Tensing, I looked at him.
"Stop teasing already." I told him.
He arched a brow, smirking.
"Oh no, baby. This isn't teasing, far from it" He whispered, he pulled my jeans down before doing the same with his.
He pressed his member against me, as I squeezed my eyes closed.
But instead of him just putting it in.
He rubbed himself against me, actually teasing my throbbing lower half.

He kissed the corner of my eye, licking his lips as his eyes grew dangerously dark.
"This is teasing, Monty. You're wanting me right?" He asked pushing himself against me as my toes curled, mewing in response as he grinned deviously, moving away.
"Jace..!" I cried out with knitted brows, going to sit up but yelped being turned over on my stomach.
My right arm bent in a weird angle as he held me still, the heat radiating off him as he growled now.
"You belong to me, and only me. Monty, understand?" He questioned.

I knelt there, my expression turning more confused.
"I know that, Jace I-"
"I don't think you do." He wrapped his hand around my neck, gently squeezing.
Trying not to moan, I knew he was being serious.
This wasn't him being playful.
There was a difference, and I've witnessed both already.
He was still furious about whatever happened after he left the room, the first time.
Then came back and practically forced me on the bed.

"Jace, what happened out the-" I cried out in both surprise and pleasure, feeling him pressing himself into me now.
My entire body tensing up before relaxing.
I lowered my head feeling him thrusting as he bit into my shoulder blade, drawing blood.
"Tell me, who you belong to. Monty." He growled kissing the nape of my neck.
Moaning, I leaned my head back as he kissed my neck.
"You, Jace. I belong to you." I told him.
He smirked against me.

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