Part 1- Skyler

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I stared blankly at my phone wondering if I should hit send. This text would change a lot for me if Brendyn said yes, if he said no I would most likely just loose the friends with benefits relationship I had with him. I took a deep breath and read over the text one last time.

Me: Brendyn so I was wondering since you are super controlling in bed, like super amazingly controlling and you seem to like it I was wondering if you would..... or if you are a part of the BDSM community, because I have always fantized about you being my master. And I know if you don't like this you don't have to do it but I constantly think about just giving you complete control of my body even though I can be a rebellious girl sometimes anyways I would love for you to respond to the message other wise I will definitely go insane so will you be my master?
I knew that I would most likely make a fool of myself especially because this text is so wordy but he knows that's how I text. I just hope he says yes because if I loose getting the chance to fuck him I might actually die. But if he isn't my master I might die too, so I swallow my pride and hit send.

5 hours later

Ok he still hasn't responded and I'm still in the exact same place I was when I sent the text. Blankly staring at my phone waiting for a response. My mind keeps wandering to deep and dark places but I love those dark thoughts. Him standing over me exuding such dominance that I quiver in fear of what he is about to do to me. Being tied up in front of him with all of me on display willing to take whatever he wants to give. Being controlled in every aspect of my life, what I wear what I eat, where I sit, what I say, and most importantly what I do in bed. As my brain keeps spiraling deeper and deeper into this dark rabbit hole I almost didn't hear the sound my phone makes alerting me that Brendyn responded.

Brendyn: We need to talk in person. Come by my place in an hour. Also forget about wearing panties.

My heart skips a beat as I reed his message over and over again. If he said don't wear panties I'm guessing that this is a good thing and hopefully he will be my master but at the same time I'm such a pessimist so I think that he's just going to fuck me and then say no. Regardless I get ready because I want to look absolutely perfect for him because I know he will be absolutely gorgeous with out even trying.
Brendyn is one of those men that are god like. He was just born into an amazing body. He has the smoothest skin I have ever felt and his dark skin looks white compared to how dark his eyes are. They are like two black orbes that could pierce absolutely anything in the universe. One mischievous look at you with those eyes will make any pussy flow like a river. Every single pore exudes a controlling aspect of him, from his large rough hands to his broad shoulders down to his rock hard abs and then his monster cock, he is completely and utterly meant to be a dominant. I just hope for my sake he feels the same way.
As I finish the final touches of my look I take a quick glance at the clock and I realize that I'm supposed to be at his house now.

"FUCK" I yelled as I slipped on my shoes and ran for the door.

On a normal day I drive like a maniac so I really hope everyone is of the fucking road because I swear that I will run them off if they get in my way. I hop in my car and haphazardly pull out of my driveway hitting my trashcans in the process. Oh well I'll pick the trash up later. I have more important things to do. As I run through my second red light praying to god that I don't get in a accident my phone buzzes so I decide I won't run the next light and I'll check my phone. I look down at my phone and goose bumps run up and down my spine.

Brendyn: wow your late IF I take you on as my submissive I NEED you to be punctual. Behavior like this will get you in a lot of trouble. Now slow down and don't drive so crazy, getting here five minutes earlier from driving crazy won't lessen your punishment any

I was so happy and yes my brain is fucked up because I'm happy I'm going to get a punishment when I get to his house. But the word "if" lingered over my happiness like a storm cloud. I took a deep breath and decided to follow all traffic laws all the way to Brendyn's house.

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