Part 2- Skyler

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I take a deep breath as I pull my car up next to Brendyn's. He is pretty wealthy considering he owns a Porsche but I don't know what he does for work. We really only fuck we don't actually talk to each other. Maybe that will change after tonight. I step out of my car and walk up to his massive house. The shadow the house casts makes my nerves go through the roof. I take a big gulp desperately trying to calm my nerves because I've wanted this for so so long. So I knock on the door. A few seconds later the door swings open and there stands my soon to be master Brendyn. He has the most controlling presence I have ever witnessed. I stare into his black eyes looking for something to indicate what's going to happen tonight but he gives me nothing in return.

"Go to the living room skirt off ass in the air leaning over the arm of the couch" there was scilence as I think about how it's going to be like this from now on and that sent chills down my spine. "Do I need to repeat myself Skyler, because if I do you beat your sorry ass will be hurting tomorrow."

I decide I shouldn't keep him waiting and run into the living room and do exactly what he says. He takes he sweet ass time getting to the living room which is pissing me off because I really just want him to jump me right now. Finally when he gets to the living room he places his hands all over my ass grabbing it harshly so I whimper a little bit. He gives out a small chuckle then begins to speak.
"I have decided that you will be my submissive. I have a contract that I need you to sign before you are all mine and no one else's but since you are new to this I decided that I'll give you your punishment for being late before you sign anything. If you decide after this punishment that you don't like this life style you can get up and leave but if you like it we will go over the contract and we will sign. Do you understand Skyler."
I shake my head in agreement but that wasn't good enough for him. He grabbed my hair and pulled me backwards to growl in my ear.
"You will learn that I need you to use words my dear Skyler, so do you understand"
"Yes" I said my voice a little shaky
"Yes what"
"Yes master" I said this time my voice didn't sound so shaky. He let go of my hair and my head hit the couch.
"I'm going to give you 20 slaps to your ass and you will count each one and thank me for each one, if you lose count we go back to one. Also if at any point you feel like you can't take it say the word red and I will stop, but if you say red you won't become my submissive because you can't handle it"

With that his hand came down hard on my ass leaving a tingling sensation that I loved but I also hated the sting of his hand. I almost forgot to count.
"One thank you master"
His hand came down again in a different spot harder than the first time.
"Two thank you master"
By the last slap there were a few silent tears streaming down my face and my ass was on fire but I didn't scream out. I was proud of my self and so was Brendyn. He scooped me up in his arms and sat with me on the couch.
"I'm so proud of you baby you took that first punishment well. Would you like to go over the contract now"
"Yes I would master"

He flipped the page and let me read in peace letting me know that I could ask questions at any time. I read through all the rules first before I asked any questions. His rules were.

1) always address me as master or sir
2) no alcohol or drugs
3) always get approval from me about your outfits and if you want to leave the house
4) you will be moving in with me (this is non negotiable)
5) don't let another guy touch you you are mine and only mine
6)no swearing
7)you will cook me breakfast lunch and dinner when I'm home
8) I need you here all the time so you can't keep your job
9) no disrespecting me or any other person who has a higher status than you
10) you will follow all orders I give
11) ABSOLUTELY no back talk I hate back talk
12) failure to follow all the rules up above will result in punishment how I see fit

"Before you sign are there any questions"

"Ok I have a few questions like I'm a grown ass adult so why am I not allowed to drink or swear I feel like I should be able to do both it's not like I'm a child and secondly I need a job I'm not just going to sit here and do absolutely nothing that would be so boring. Other than that no questions Brendyn"

By the look on his face I immediately regretted swearing and not saying master and my tone of voice. Crap why did I already have to fuck up.

"Since today is your first time ever being involved with BDSM I'm going to let it slide that you broke three different rules and I'll just answer your questions. You aren't allowed to swear because you are mine and you are perfect but swear words make you seem uneducated and it dirties that pretty little mouth of yours. You aren't allowed to drink because when you drink your inhibitions are lost and I don't want you in danger. And as for the job I just don't want you having a job while I'm training you. Once I feel I can trust you to be my submissive inside this house and outside this house I will get a job that suits you. Understood."

"Yes master I still think I should be able to swear and drink but I understand where you are coming from sir so I will sign."

There was a twinkle in his eyes as I picked up the pen to sign my life away as soon as I did he signed right after me. Then stared at me with those sexy ass eyes.

"Bedroom now" he commanded and I did not hesitate to follow orders.

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