Part 4- Brendyn

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"Hello Sir" my driver Stanley said as I slip into the car waiting for me.
"Good morning Stanley" I replied with a friendly smile. I was in a good mood and Stanley knew it. I never smile let alone talk much with my help. Stanley slowly closes the door with a genuine smile creeping across his face. In seconds the car lurches forward. I'm going to miss having Skyler with in my reach. I need to fire my assistant soon so Skyler can become my assistant but she isn't ready as a submissive to the out side world, she would defy me way to much. Once she is ready though she will be with me twenty four seven. It will be nice to have her at my job since it's so stressful she will be able to help with that. The car comes to a stop in front of my work and my mind instantly starts stressing about work.

I love my work since I am the boss, I own many buildings and companies across the country. I am almost the richest man in America and I'm proud of it, so all of my buildings are very flashy and show off all of my power. No one would dare mess with me. I can't wait to start spoiling Skyler with my fortune, it was cute to see her reaction to my house but also funny because that place is just temporary. My actual house is still in the construction process outside of the city and it will be three times the size. I can't wait.
"Have a good day Sir" Stanley says interrupting my thoughts while opening the door. I quickly nod at him and walk up to the doors which are open for me. Everyone suddenly rushes to the sides of the lobby making a path for me straight to my private elevator. Everyone is scared shitless of me because of my temper, I tend to blow at the slightest things. But who can blame me I am a stressed man who demands perfection of course I'm going to blow my lid now and again. If they have a problem with it I will just fire them. Everyone is replaceable. The elevator dings and I step out onto the top floor. My assistant runs towards me explaining every meeting I have today. I have about 5 so that means no lunch and I'm going to be stressed the whole day. Skyler better not mess up when I get home or I might go to hard on her. She is new to this I need to remember that. I sit down at my desk in my massively big office and get ready for my first meeting. I hate this part of my job it's so boring.

- - - - 3 meetings later - - - -

"Ugh just call me back when you idiots figure out a plan I don't want to sit through another god damned meeting with complete baffling idiots your meeting will be rescheduled. Don't be such an unprepared ass next time" I slammed the phone down and sighed sinking backing into my chair. At least I had one less meeting today. But now what am I supposed to do I have a free hour and I don't feel like doing the paperwork I need to do. I pick my phone back up and call my house. The phone rings and rings each ring making me more mad how dare Skyler not pick up. Finally she picks up.
"Hello who is this" she says quite rudely
"Is that how you answer the phone miss Skyler I guess I need to teach you phone eddicate as well as how to be submissive.
"Oh... I'm so sorry master. I didn't mean anything by it forgive me"
"Forgotten, tell me how is your day"
"Well to be honest master it's very boring. You can only watch so much tv. Also by the way you need to fix your tv"
"What do you mean by that"
"Well it keeps asking for a password when I try to switch to a channel that isn't Disney and also your Netflix is the same way" I chuckled slightly as she said this of course I did this on purpose.
"I did that on purpose little one, I don't want you to watch anything inappropriate with me of course the restriction on the tv will go away but when I'm not there I need to know you won't watch anything you aren't supposed to"
"I'm sorry master but considering what we do what would be considered inappropriate"
" Anything not involving me" I could almost hear her rolling her eyes if that's even possible. "Remember no eye rolling sweetie"
"I.... I ....I didn't master" she stumbles to get out clearly being shocked I knew what she did.
"No lying either. I also want to know am I going to come home and reward you or punish you"
"You will come home to reward me master I haven't touched myself all day long and it's killing me. Please come home so you can take care of this master please" she stretched out some words and changed in intonation of her voice so she was slightly begging slightly whining. This made my cock strain against my pants hurting slightly.
"That's great sweetie I didn't want to punish you today but I have a few things I need you to do for me before I come home"
"Ok master what are they" she is so perfect sometimes I can't keep myself under control. All I could think about right now was all the ways I will please her tonight.
"I will send the list to your cell phone it's hidden in the draw closest to the sink in the kitchen. See you later... oh and also if those tasks aren't done you won't get any reward"
"Yes master I will finish them I promise"
"Ok good girl now go run and get your cell phone and don't use it for anything other than looking at the list or I will punish you and you won't get rewarded regardless if you finish everything on the list or not. Understand"
"Yes master it's crystal clear I promise I won't upset you anymore today. I'm sorry about this morning"
"Goodbye sweetie see you soon"
        I hung up the phone and slid back into my seat thinking about what I should make Skyler do before I'm home. I don't want it to be outrageous because I would rather reward her than punish her but I want her to also don't want to slack off on her training. She has a lot to learn. I start writing the list down to send it as a text.

1) clean bed room (this includes the closet) 
2) vacuum living room
3) pick 3 items out of the vest at the end of the bed to be rewarded with, also take out the egg vibrator while you are there
4) cook dinner for both of us I will be home at 7 if needs to be ready by then
5) at precisely 6:30 put in the egg vibrator DO NOT CUM
6) wait for me at the door kneeling 

      After I finished the list and sent it to her hoping she does everything perfectly. I so want to reward her by making her cum at my command over and over. Just the thought of it made me want to skip the next meeting to go straight home, but unfortunately I can't so I decided to do paperwork until my next meeting.

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