Strange Clowns

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    I felt like he had punched me in the chest. By the time I got down stairs I was wiping tears from my eyes.

    "You okay?" Clutch asked.

    "Can we just go?" I continued out the door to the car.

    "You wanna talk about it?" I shook my head no. "Aubrey, please, I see you trying not to cry."

"I don't like the thought of him going tonight. Am I being dramatic?" He didn't say anything at first.

"I understand why you are upset, but I don't think you have to worry. Blade is just always messing around, doesn't mean Xavier will."


"He cares about you too much to do something that stupid."

I was still frustrated at work. I hated fighting. Honestly, now I just wanted to make up with him. He should have never said that about the other girl though. The thought of him with someone else made me angry and sad at the same time. Fighting made me feel sick and I was kinda off all night. I just wanted work to be over.

             At the end of the night, I walked out back to take the trash when I heard, what sounded like, footsteps. I turned looking around but didn't see anything. I continued to the dumpster. It was probably just trick-or-treaters. I chunked the heavy bag over the side of the garbage bin. I turned to see someone standing between me and the coffee shop. The figure was in all black with an evil clown mask on. I tried swallowing my fear. He just stood there completely still not moving or speaking.

"May I help you?" He turned his head slightly and I heard the footsteps again I turned to see two more figures appear looking exactly like the one in front of me.

"He should have known better than to leave you alone tonight." I went to scream but was grabbed from behind as the other two closed in. I tried twisting and kicking just anything to get loose long enough to get in the shop or in hearing range of people. One pulled out a knife before grabbing onto my arm.

"Keep her still, he wants this clear."

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