Dreaming(Extra Chapter)

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This is a Chapter I took out from the middle the not make the story drag. I am working on another story to go along with this one but it may be from different POV

I woke up to the bed moving but I couldn't see anything. I got up and stumbled to his side of the bed to turn on the lamp. I looked down to see Xavier' face and chest covered in sweat. His forehead was creased and every now and then his body would jump and twitch. I grabbed his shoulders gently and started to shake him.

"Xavier," He jerked again but still wasn't awake. "Xavier, wake up. Xavier you're dreaming." I shook him harder. His eyes shot open seeing me I went to sigh relived but was suddenly grabbed by the neck and throw down on the bed. I grabbed his hand trying to pull him off. I saw his arm raise and his hand went into a fist. He was panting like he just ran twenty miles. I froze terrified looking into his eyes. Those eyes were not Xavier's, those eyes were murderous and black. "Xavier, stop!" I struggled to get out loud enough for him to hear. I couldn't hear myself say anything. My eyes started seeing stars immediately. I felt like he was crushing my windpipe. Suddenly his hand released me and he threw him self back into the wall. I started coughing trying to catch my breath and calm down. My heart was beating so loud I swear it was going to explode.
He was breathing hard too and now pouring sweat. I slowly leaned up looking over at him worried.  His eyes met mine and all I saw was pain. Suddenly, he dashed across the room and out the door.

I didn't follow him right away. I went to wipe my face and realized I was crying. The way he looked at me... I thought that night I saw him was the worst I was ever going to see him. I was wrong. That person had scared me enough to be cautious, but this Xavier...part of me wanted to pack and run away from the house. The other part of me was too scared to leave the room because I was afraid of running into him. I pulled my self off the bed and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw black bruises around my neck. I don't know why but I started crying, like hysterically can't breathe, crying. I closed my eyes and saw his fist hanging above my face. I wrapped my arms around my body trying to calm down. What do I do? Do I try to find him? See what had happened. Did I want to find him?


I all but ran out of that room. I went to the basement slamming the door hiding from everyone. This hadn't happened in so long and no one had ever been there when it had in the past. I closed my eyes and visions of a man pulling me away from my mother and her screams echoed in my head. My eyes snapped open to make it go away. I ran my hands over my face. I hurt her. I looked down at my hands. I raised my fist at her. I hadn't realized... I couldn't think about that. There was a punching bag that hung down here from when I was younger and this happened. I would beat the hell out of it till the pain in my knuckles was distracting enough to make me forget. I flipped on the light and saw it hanging there.


I didn't try to find him. I locked myself in his room and sat in the bed alone. The very small part of me that knew that wasn't normal was being ignored by basic survival instincts. I never went back to sleep. I just stayed awake staring and thinking. The sun was now up but couldn't bring myself to go down stairs. I heard a knock at the door and jumped.

"W-who is it?"

"Its Chase." I moved to the door before slowly opening it. He was alone. "Y'all okay?" He asked. "It's twelve."

"Um," He looked worried then his eyes widened and he moved to me. I stepped back and he hesitated.

"Your neck...what happened?" He sounded angry.

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