Step in the Trap

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We all stayed at the hospital. No one wanted to leave him. My parents were furious that I ditched them but Clutch and this club were more of a family to me then they ever were. Eric got in touch with Clutch's parents and when they came we all waited in the waiting room to give them time alone. I took the chance to go to the hospital chapel.

"You can't take him yet, God. He's my family, please, not yet." I heard the doors open and turned to see Blade walk in. He sat beside me not saying anything for awhile.

"He should have woken up by now. I heard the doctors talking, the longer he is out the less likely he is to make it."

"We can't think like that, Blade, don't you dare give up on him."

"Give up on him? Aubrey, he is dying!" He jumped up.

"No!" I yelled back. "He can't die! Do you understand? We are not letting him! You are his brother, and if we give up on him you might as well go ahead and kill him yourself!"

"You have no idea how bad I want him to wake up! You just met him, I've known him since I was a kid! Don't act like I am wishing him gone!" He yelled before turning away from me.  He stood silent for a while. "He is the only family I have." He whispered sitting down. I sat beside him and wrapped my arms around him. I felt him crying his body was shaking gently.

"I know, Blade."


I went to the chapel knowing Blade had went in there with Aubrey. When I walked in, I saw Aubrey comforting Blade. I knew he was taking this hard. He never had a family and so he'd never lost anyone before. I walked over to them.

"Angel, can I talk to Blade for a minute." She nodded getting up. When she was gone, I turned to Blade who looked forward, a lost look in his eyes. "Blade, listen we are going tonight. The Horsemen will be there. I need you there but if you want to stay here-"

"I'm going."

"I know you are going for blood. I need to trust you won't do anything stupid. I can't have a blood bath. You are going to have to listen to me."

"I am going to kill that son of a bitch." He demanded.

"I agree but it might not be tonight." Since when was I the reasonable one? "I promise you he will suffer but we have to be smart about this."


Aubrey didn't want to leave Clutch. I left three of my guys with her at the hospital before me and thirteen others left for the gas station. The Devil's Horsemen were there soon enough.

"Remember, I'm trusting you." I muttered to Blade who just nodded glaring at the man I'm guessing was responsible for Clutch's
condition. The president jumped off his bike looking over my guys and hesitated seeing me.

"Was the last time not enough of a warning to stay out of our business?"

"I've never done to good with rules and I'm always intrigued by a good fight." The
president glanced over us.

"Look what's it going to take for you to go away."

"Leave these people alone." I said simply.

"Can't do that. What if we pay you double whatever he is paying you? Sound good?" I laughed at his offer. He glared at me.

"I'm not making any kind of deal with you after your trigger happy boy shot one of my guys. So you can either leave these people alone and we won't have any problems or-"

"Or what you'll wipe out my club?" He cut me off. I shrugged. "You know you maybe the strongest club right now but everyone on top has to fall eventually. A lesson I'm sure you remember your dad getting." I tensed.

"He is baiting you don't react." Eric whispered so only I could hear. I took a deep breath knowing he was right. I already had enough shit to deal with with another club I wasn't going to start shit with this one.

"How would he know that?" Blade muttered. "Only us and Night Riders know the truth of that."

"Leave it alone." Eric whispered back. After their president didn't get the reaction he wanted he sneered than turned to his bike leaving. Blade stepped forward towards the one.

"No," I stopped him he glared at me. "Trust me, get him alone and you can make him suffer get him now it would be quick." He stepped back.


When we got back to the hospital. The doctor was at the desk. He saw us and smiled.

"He's up. He woke up about thirty minutes ago." Blade pushed past us and went towards Clutch's room.

"How's he looking?"

"Mad as hell that y'all went without him tonight." I chuckled. "Go see him." I nodded and headed that way. Clutch was up eating the hospital food laughing with Blade.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I have a hole in my stomach."

"You scared the shit out of us." Blade said punching him in the arm.

"Aw, you would miss me?" He mocked Blade chuckled. "Can't believe you shit heads went without me. I owe someone a bullet to the head."

"We will get him don't you worry about that." I looked around the room at the other three guys that I'd left.

"Where is Aubrey?" I asked realizing I hadn't seen her.

"She was talking to the doctor about what to do to take care of his ass." Seth said nodding towards the hall. I got up and walked back the where the doctor was.

"Where's Aubrey?" He looked at me strange.

"She left"

"She left?"

"Yeah one of your guys left with her." He looked at me confused. "He said you told him to take her home so she could rest." I froze feeling that all to familiar panic rise in my chest.

"Was he wearing a Young Guns cut?" I tried to keep my voice calm but failed. He thought for a minute.

"No, just a leather jacket."

"Fuck!" I ran back to the guys. I grabbed Seth throwing him into the wall. "What the fuck is wrong with you!"

"What's wrong?" I heard Clutch ask. I drew back and knocked Seth in the mouth.

"If I say don't let her out of your sight that fucking means you don't let her out of your sight!"

"Xavier, what is it?" Blade asked as my phone went off. Aubrey's name popped up. I answer as fast as I could.

"Angel, where are you?" I demanded.

"That was easier than I thought." Jeff.

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