A Message.

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Hello everyone.

I'm sorry it's been a while, especially to those who have been waiting for new stories for quite some time.

I don't usually like to go into the personal details of my life, especially given that I don't write under an alias so there's a huge possibility that someone I know outside of the fanfiction realm may see this, but I think you all deserve some type of an explanation.

This year has been a hard year for me physically and mentally. I've changed in so many ways, ways that I'm not entirely proud of. I've become someone who I don't recognize and there have been many times when I've debated whether or not I wanted to keep going and continue to strive for the end goal.

I tried to find some sort of peace and closure with someone who I had come to admire greatly, only to be hurt and betrayed by half hearted feelings and pure lust rather than love. I began to hate myself and question everything, cutting off everyone except a few, but even then without telling them the entirety of the situation. There were things I couldn't do, like watch a specific movie or listen to a certain song because every good thing seemed to be ruined by this one bad thing.

One of the major downsides of this downfall was my inability to do the one thing I admired the most, and that was writing. The idea of romance, betrayal, angst, and everything else in the type of books I liked to write disgusted me and I could only bring myself to think of my own troubles.

But as I got better, and started reconnecting with things that I loved, and empowered myself, I realized that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and that I had a true passion for what I did. I found that writing this story gave me the power to tell a story about the love, betrayal, and angst that I felt and to show people that it's ok to feel those things. That's how life works. Life sucks, but you learn from mistakes and you learn from experience.

I put my heart and soul into this book because I took my experiences and learned from them. I put them into something I know and love and made something incredible out of it.

I know it's been a long time, but I'm not going to apologize for taking the time I needed to take. I'm a better person because of my experience, and I know I will only keep getting better.

This book may be just a fanfiction, but I truly believe this is some of my best work. And I hope you enjoy it.


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