Lie to Me.

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"Where the hell were you?" Khadijah scolds me as I walk through the door.

I honestly didn't have the heart to complain. She was doing me a favor, and I put her through hell because of my obsession.

At least my chase was over now.

"My class got out early." I lie.

She raises her brow. "So why didn't you text or call?"

"My phone died." I lie again.

"Jo!" She huffs.

"Holy shit you're not my mother!" I shout at her. Not that my mother was the type of woman to give a shit, but it's nice to imagine she was sometimes.  "I don't need you to walk me to and from school. I can handle myself."

"Right, which is why you almost got killed."

"Whatever." I huff.

"I'm just looking out for you." Khadijah sighs.

"Well I don't need anyone looking out for me." I retaliate and she rolls her eyes.

"Of course you don't, Jo. Because you're this total badass who can handle herself."

"Exactly." I shrug.

"Whatever, I'm going out." She tells me before storming into her room. She comes out seconds later with a jacket on and her phone pressed against her ear. "Hey, can you come get me?" I hear her say as the door closes.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and let out a deep sigh before making my way into the kitchen. I'd been here all of three weeks and so much has happened.

I can only hope now that Hero and I are acquainted that we'll understand each other and stay out of each other's way. As far as Khadijah goes, it was nice having her around and all, but I'd much rather keep to myself anyways.

I'm better off alone.

At least, that's what I keep telling myself.


When Khadijah got back the next morning, I was expecting our new routine to simply just be staying out of each other's way and continue sharing the same apartment civilly. But when my bedroom door swung open, startling me to the point of creating an unnecessary streak in my piece for my graphic design class, I knew she wanted to talk. Thankfully it was on my laptop and I could easily fix my mistake.

"I'm so sorry, Jo." She gushes. "I just wanted to look out for you. I've been here three years and I've been through six different roommates and you're my favorite one so far."

I can't help but laugh.

"I don't want us to fight anymore. Can we call a truce?"

I glance up at her from my painting that I was attempting to salvage.

"For the record," I say after considering her offer. "I wouldn't really consider myself a badass."

"Well, I think you are." Khadijah smiles softly.

"If it makes you feel any better, someone walked me back from class last night."

"Really?" She questions, sitting down next to me on my bed. "Who?"

"Um..." I didn't really know what to refer Hero to her as. In no way was he my friend. I didn't have those.

Well, I guess Khadijah is my friend.

Unless we piss each other off again.

He's just a guy I met on the streets.

With a neck tattoo.

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