Three Agents Spend a Day Out

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"Please, Callie? I promise I take good care of it!" Agent 8 stood in front of the pink-tinted squid, his hands clasped in front of him. He had a pout on his face, his eyes wide and slightly watering to add to the effect. Callie turned her head, he had her on the verge of saying yes, a conflicted look on her face.

"Oh, alright Mochi. But if something happens to it, I'll make you clean out cuttlefish cabin for a month," she caved and opened up her closet, reaching for a hanger. She pulled out a sleek leather jacket,the sliver lining of the zippers making the black of it pop out.

"Thank you! Don't worry you, I will protect with my life," Mochi took the jacket from her, slipping it onto his arms. He took a gamble, asking Callie for something to wear, but it surprisingly fit him better than he thought. "How does look? You think Three will see as, what the word, flash?"

"You look good. The word is fresh, by the way. I knew you were small but I didn't think you and I were the same size. Good to know, I guess. Now get out there, I'm sure Koré is getting tired of waiting for you," Callie pushed him out of her room and out the door to the apartment, leaving him on the doorstep. It had started to pour down rain while he was convincing the first agent to let him borrow her jacket. The weather was mesmerizing but he had to remember it wouldn't feel as mesmerizing on his skin.

Mochi pulled his phone out of his pocket, thanking Pearl for getting it for him, and texted his brother.

I'm at Squid sister's place and rain is in way. No brella to keep off me.

No worries, I'll head there now. Just check the weather forecast every now and again.

He perked up, happy that Koré didn't seem mad at him for forgetting an umbrella, and tapped his foot as he waited. His mind wandered to Agent 3. The last time he had seen him, 3 didn't seem to interested in him. He would roll his eyes at any question Mochi had, he seemed to get frustrated with the octoling's broken inklish, and, when 8 took too long to complete a task or mission, he would take over and finish it for him.

It made him think that Agent 3 didn't like him very much, which made the realization he had made somewhat painful. Despite how rude and short-tempered Agent 3 was, Mochi seemed to have developed a crush on the inkling. His hearts would leap out of his chest at just the mention of 3's name, pictures of the agent made him smile, and he would lay in bed for hours imagining how he would tell him.

"Yo,Moch!" Koré's voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he looked up to see the light blue inkling heading toward him. "Sorry if I kept you waiting, the walk was longer than I thought."

"None worries, Koré. I not wait long."

"That's good. Uh, text Banira and tell him we're on our way to the square. Also, you look really nice in that."

"I'll do that and thanks you," his hearts started beating a little faster at the third agent's name, a smile creeping up onto his face. He pulled out his phone, his fingers hovering over 3's contact. He did his best to swallow down his nervousness and opened up the text conversation, his thumbs tapping in a message.

4 and I on way to square. Hope you not wait long?

That's fine. Bus is taking longer to get to the square than I anticipated. I'll see you there.

Mochi let out a little squeak, surprised that he got a response so quick. Agent 3 usually left long spaces between his messages, which Mochi assumed had to do with how busy he was. Perhaps 3 was bored on the bus and wanted someone to talk to? His thumbs hovered over the keyboard, contemplating sending another message, when his phone made a chirp noise at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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