A chair that is unstable is basically useless. No one would like to sit on it. No one would like to use it. And like people, if they or we are unstable no one would like to be around us. No one is a friend. Simply because people in this world are such great actors and actresses. They are all your friend in times when you are very capable. And no one knows you in times when you are unstable, not capable, and losing in this competition of lives. A competition wherein people ruin each other just to win. A competition wherein humans are selfish and not a single bit humane.
In this generation today, the generation I'm currently living in, the unstable generation. why unstable you ask?
Its very obvious. Humans are acting like animals, and animals are more humane than humans. People are killing the only place where everything they need is present. But I guess that is what people do....they push and ruin what is helpful and useful, and make a dramatic scene, that as if they are the ones who are being abused and taken for granted. But the truth is they can't see true value. Their eyes are working, yet blind. Not being able to see true beauty and importance. They, or shall I say we are blinded by money, fame and obsessive love, making our souls dark and dead as we speak.
I f only we are like chairs. Chairs that can be repaired, and fixed.
We post and proclaim to other people that we are kind and good and does all the right things, yet the truth is our souls are missing pieces, our hearts are stone cold and our minds are darker than black.