Chapter 3

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Elena's Pov

I inhaled deeply and stare at Steve, thinking about the great times we've had. He used to look at me like I was the only girl in the world. He taught me so much. After my divorce with Henry, I was broken. My heart was shattered. I wasn't the same woman after my divorce. I didn't smile, I stayed away from friends. It became so bad that I had to move away from my beautiful country, Ghana to the United States to start over. I saw his face in everyone and I couldn't just stay. No, it would've been too much for me to handle. I thought if I moved away, I would be happy but look where that decision landed me, in the arms of the king of assholes.

"Ahem, excuse me, Ma'am? We'd like you to proceed with the statement now, please." Officer Xin said impatiently. OK, here it goes.

"What happened at my house on Friday was...." I gulped hard and took a breath. " Was not an accident, I was abused" before I could finish my statement, Steve cut me off once again and said " By a burglar who broke into our house that night, right baby? "
I turn my head to stare at him in awe and he has on the hardest glare I have ever seen. The look in his eyes sent a number of shivers down my spine but no I'm no longer going to sit here and let him do this to me again.

"Is that true Ma'am?" Officer Mike asked with uncertainty. I'm sure he can feel the tension between Steve and I. "Ma'am? " Officer Mike asked again. I look at them, look down and look at Steve. I fidget with my hands and said "No." It came out like a whisper so I cleared my throat and spoke up.

"No! It wasn't a burglar who abused me that night. He did it." I point to Steve.
"He abused my daughter and I because he told me not to leave the house that day and I did. He did it because he's an asshole, a sadist. He's a coward, if he had hurt just me, I wouldn't have minded but he put his hands on my daughter and I don't even know where she is right now. Arrest him, officers, because he is to blame for me being here in this hospital right now."

I broke out in hysterical tears because I couldn't take it. I've been going through all this pain in silence. The last draw was when he put his hands on Jada. Nobody messes with my daughter and goes unchecked. Not even the man I love.

"Are you sure about what you're saying?" Officer Xin asked in shock. Nobody would believe me because Steve looked like an angel. He looked like a gentleman. That's why I was scared to turn him in because I thought nobody would believe me.

" Am I sure? I've been abused for the past six months and you're asking me if I'm sure?" I replied, still in tears. I might look weak right now but I don't give a hoot. I've had all kinds of emotions bottled up inside me for too long. I needed to let it all out.

"I'm sorry ma'am, it was inconsiderate of me to ask you that question. It won't happen again." Officer Xin said apologetically.

"Mr. Steven Princeton, you're under arrest for the abuse of Mrs. Elena Princeton and her daughter, Miss Jada Acquah Princeton. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney and if you can't afford one the state will provide you with one." Officer Mike said taking handcuffs from his duty belt and walked towards Steve, who looked like he couldn't register what was happening.

He stood up and started yelling " What are you talking about? I didn't do this to her. A burglar broke into the house and did this to her, I'm innocent." This man has no shame. He's still denying everything he's done to me.

"If a burglar did this to me, then why are the locks of the doors of my house still intact" I yelled out angrily. Steve struggled with Officer Mike as he tried to put the handcuffs on him.
"You're going to regret this day Elena. I'll make you pay for this. I'll make you wish you never met me. Bitch."He spat out just before the two officers led him out of my room. Immediately they shut the door, I llaidback down and cried about everything I've been going through. I cried for my daughter and this baby I'm expecting. I cried till there were no tears left just hiccups. The emotions were too much to handle, I needed an escape. I felt suffocated. I stare at the wall lost in thoughts.

♥ ♥ ♥
The door opened and I turned around to face the petite nurse from before. I remember her because she's really pretty and small.
"Hi! How are you doing today? My name is Amy and I'm here to help you get ready." I furrowed eyebrows in confusion and asked: "Get ready for what?"

"Well Mrs. Princeton, Dr. Cortez sent me to inform you that your daughter is admitted here in this hospital. She's currently in the Intensive Care Unit at the Children's Ward."
My eyes lit up and I immediately sat up. Amy chuckled at my reaction.
"Jada's here? Can I please meet her? How is she doing? Is she awake?" I ask enthusiastically. Finally, I've heard some good news. My daughter is here.
Amy stared at my face awkwardly and I touched my face to check if something was there and I realized I had dried tear stains on my cheek. My mood faltered a little and Amy noticed but didn't say anything which I was grateful for.

"Come on, let's get you ready to meet your daughter. I'm going to get you some food since you need the energy."
My stomach made a growling noise at the mention of food. I look down at my stomach and look back at Amy. We both burst out laughing when she said she'll be right back.

It feels good to laugh. I almost forgot how to do it. I feel wonderful now. I know my problems will soon end and I'm so looking forward to what life has in store for me and my children.

Hey guys!
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Stay blessed.

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