Chapter 4

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Elena's POV

Amy came back a while later with a tray filled with loads of food. The aroma made my mouth water.

"Since its already lunchtime, I decided to bring you some chicken soup, orange juice, some fresh apples and chamomile tea for the pain you're going to feel. The pain killers you got injected with will wear off soon."
She said with a smile and set the food on the adjustable overbed table.

"Bon appetit" She said and took a step back.
"Thanks a lot, Amy."

"Don't worry about it. It's my job."

"No, I mean thanks a lot for being so nice to me and for taking care of me. Not many people will do what you've done for me. Thank you." I said with so much gratitude. I haven't really made friends since I moved here. Most of my friends are back home in Ghana and since I left my phone there, the only numbers I was able to get from my memory was that of my mum, dad, siblings and uncle. I haven't heard from them in a while.
She took a step closer and gave me a side hug and mumbled "You're welcome" in my ear.

"Eat now before the food gets cold. I'll be back later to help you get ready."

♥ ♥ ♥
Amy cane back immediately after I finished my food. "The food was delicious Amy, thank you." I said rubbing my stomach.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." She chuckled and cleared out the dishes before sending them out.
"Now it's time for you to get ready." She said, gently taking out the IV connected to the cannula on my forearm.

She took my hand and helped me to the bathroom attached to the room. I brushed my teeth with a new toothbrush I found on the counter. She helped me sit on the closed W/C since I couldn't stand for long.

"Since the bandages can't get wet, I'll have to help you clean up with a washcloth. Is that OK with you?"
"Yes " I replied with a nod. She came back later with a bucket of water, washcloth shower gel and an antiseptic.

She helped me take off the hospital gown, I saw her scanning my body. I have some scars on my back and stomach. I expected her to say something or call the scars disgusting but she looked away and dipped the washcloth in the bucket of water and handed it to me.
"I'll go get you a dry towel." She said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. All I did was nod.

After I finished cleaning myself, I wore another hospital gown and Amy helped me sit in a wheelchair I didn't notice before.

We got to the children's ward and the nerves started to kick in. My palms began to sweat and my breathing got heavy. I don't know how Jada is.

Is she awake? Will she hate me because I couldn't do anything to protect her that night? Will she want to see me?

We stopped in front of a room numbered 42 and stopped. I looked up at Amy with sad eyes. I don't know how bad her condition is. What if she's paralyzed for life? I shook the thought away. I need to be strong and positive.

We entered the room and Jada was sleeping. Amy set the wheelchair beside her bed.
"I'll leave you two alone. Yell for me if you need anything. Excuse me."
I stood still till I heard the door shut. Immediately I touched Jada's hand, I began to cry.
She looked so weak and pale. I have failed as a mother. I couldn't protect my daughter. She was the only one who kept me going when I was ready to give up. She's my only source of strength and I couldn't do anything to protect her from that psychopath. I couldn't get the image of her being thrown from the stairs to the floor out of my head. Her constant cries for help. I cried and cried till I saw black dots and darkness consumed me.

I woke up to the touch of tiny fingers brushing my Afro hair. Wait a minute... Tiny fingers. Realization hit me like a bolt of lightning. I lift my head from the bed and saw the most beautiful girl in this world staring back at me.

"Mummy" Lord knows I've missed her voice. I shot up quickly which was a bad idea but I ignored the pain I was feeling and hugged my daughter lightly as if I didn't want to break her. I started showering her with kisses everywhere I could and she started to giggle. She winced immediately and I stepped back inspecting her body.

"Are you alright baby? " She shook her head lightly with a frown.
"What's wrong baby?"
" I missed you so much mummy." She said with tears in her eyes.

" Awww little Jay, I missed you more." I said hugging her once again.

The door suddenly burst open and I stepped away to take a look at the intruder.

"Good evening. My name is Dr Eric Martins and you must be the mother of this pretty little angel." A brunette man with blue eyes, who looked to be about 5'7 feet tall introduced and I heard Jay giggle. He's charming I'll give you that.
"Yes, that's me. I want to know how my little girl is doing I hope she doesn't have any complications." I said caressing Jada's cheeks.

"That's exactly what I came to talk to you about." My heart sank and I immediately left Jada's side and moved closer to the doctor. If he has bad news, I don't want Jada to hear it. She's been through a lot and she's just 5 years old.

"What is wrong with my baby?" I asked almost in tears.

"Luckily, she didn't have any complications but she would have to wear a cast on her back due to the injuries she suffered from the fall. I would prescribe some drugs for you and give you instructions on how she should take it." He said and I exhaled heavily. Thank God.

"When will she be discharged? "

"She will be discharged two days from now because I still want to keep an eye on her."

"Thanks a lot, Dr Martin's." I smiled at him.
"It's my pleasure. Your daughter is a really lovely girl." He said and walked towards Jada.
" That she is," I replied with a smile. I'm so happy that nothing terrible happened to my baby. I don't know what I would have done if her condition turned out to be way more serious.

"What would you like to have for dinner little angel." He asked Jada.
"Ice cream with lots of toppings" Her eyes lit up. She said dreamily and we both laughed. She's so cute.

"How about we get you vegetable rice, chicken, apples and then we'll get you your ice cream." Dr Eric said.

"With lots of toppings. Don't forget the toppings." She said wagging her index finger up and down.

"Yes, ma'am. You don't have to be so sassy." He said with amusement dancing in his eyes.

I burst out laughing at the both of them. This is how happy I want my family to be. No tears just laughter.
I hope the days to come to hold so much happiness.

Author's Note
Hey guys!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
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Stay blessed 💙

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