Chapter 15- Answers

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After school Bella and Emmett had a rematch. Bella won. Again. Then I pulled her aside to speak to her about his                                                                                                                                                             "Bella, what you said in history , is it true?" I asked.                                                                                               "Yeah it is, I have them here," said Bella.               "Would I be able to see them?" I asked.                     "Sure ," said Bella. We sped up to our room so that Bella could get them. We sat down on our bed and she gave them to me. I was shocked.                                                                                                           "Oh my gosh, I can't believe it," I  said.                       "Oh I almost forgot, I also have these," Bella said and held up my tags from my time in the confederate army. I was speechless.                               "Jazz?" said Bella.               "Sorry darlin' I am just so shocked," I said "can I have a look?"  She handed them to me so I looked then put them round my neck, so I knew they were safe. We then went downstairs to tell everyone.

"Family meeting," I said, not needing to shout.                     "What is the matter?" asked Carlisle.       " Bella is the great-great granddaughter of my human best friend Thomas Dryer, she also has the letters between me and my friend and my tags from my time in the confederate army." Everyone gasped. I read shock, confusion and the normal emotions that are always around.           " How do you have the letters and tags?" asked Alice. I guess that for once she didn't know.            " Well I guess that he passed them down in the family in hope that we would run into a Whitlock, I got them from my Uncle considering that he had no kids," said Bella.                                                        " Wow Bella I bet Jasper was ecstatic when he saw them," said Em.                                                              " Yes," Bella giggled " but he was also speechless."

In history our teacher was froze in place when Bella showed him.                                                                  " Well students it seems that I made a mistake in yesterdays lesson. Bella was correct, Jasper Whitlock is the youngest major in Texas and American history," said our teacher.

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