Multiple Plans

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-heavy rewrites here, honestly I hope it turned out better this time. Old writing style was a mess.-

Also, slight blood warning, nothing serious, but just in case.


The night before school, Zim if not anything else felt exhausted yet energetic. The ride to Earth had taken six months but on the other hand he was finally able to start his mission. In the early hours of the morning, approximately 2:12 A.M. he had landed and made his base. The neighbors hadn't even noticed! Humans are actually really stupid, if this planet was unspeakable that was probably why. After all stupid species are hated by Irkens! At least that's what Zim thought, in reality the stupid species were mostly entertainment to watch, and to the tallests, Zim had fallen on that list.


In our present time, at the Mystery Shack, Dib walks into the tourist trap. Dipper was sitting in the cashier's chair, the twins look at the door, expecting it to be another customer, but noticing it's Dib, Mabel walks over to the cashier table, bouncing slightly. They all say 'hi' to each other and have a bit of small talk before Dib drops a small stack of papers on the counter.

"I have a plan! I even tracked Zim to his base! I know where he lives!" Dib tells the twins excitedly.

Mabel holds back giggling, "So you're a stalker???" Dipper snickers slightly while Dib goes a bit red with embarrassment.

"Guess we'll have to ask Grunkle Stan how to 'work around' a restraining order." Dipper offers.

"I'm not a stalker! I'm just gathering information!" Dib gestures to the papers, "Okay so.. we walk over to his house, which isn't too far from here."

Mabel walks over to a box, going through several items. Then she triumphantly grabs a grappling hook, "We could zip-line in! Then backfli-"

"Mabel. No." Dipper shoots her a look and then looks towards the nearby window.

"Mabel. YES!"

Dib looks at the grappler and nods, "Actually, that could come in handy."

Mabel grins widely, blushing slightly. Dipper screams internally, he knows the sign of another crush. And honestly, he was mildly horrified by how boy crazy she could get.. but something was different this time, she wasn't.. direct. Dipper looks towards Dib, who was mumbling to himself figuring out how to work the grappling hook into his plans.

Though, more pressing things were on Dipper's mind, "What do we do if this proves everything, and nobody believes. us."

They all sigh, around a year ago they had tried to get Professor Membrane in on what's going on in the town only for him to treat it like it proved nothing. They'd also debated getting Grunkle Stan in on it, but that wouldn't work out, considering he could just make it an exhibit.

Mabel tests out the grappling hook, accidentally breaking a window, she shrugs, "Whoops." Dipper looks at the damage, groaning, he'll have to clean that up later. Mabel ungrapples the window only for glass to come back at her, she winces in pain and makes a squeak at it cutting her hands.

"Shi- shoot, I'll get bandages- you two stay here." Dipper leaves the room quickly, when Dib walks up to her. Concerned, as well.. a friend should be.

"Could I see how bad it is?" Mabel nods and reluctantly hands her hands to him, she blushes slightly at the contact.

He frowns, it'd cut deep enough to leave a scar at least, "This is going to hurt."

"Hm?" Mabel then squeaks again wincing and pulling back as he just rips the glass out from her palm.

Dib frowns, examining the cut that was now, bleeding more, because you aren't supposed to do that, "Yeah, this'll need disinfectant."

Speaking of disinfectant! Dipper walks in quickly with disinfectant and bandages. They take a few minutes to clean out the cuts and bandage the hand. Mabel looks down at the broken glass guiltily, "I'll go get the dustpan."

Dipper gives her that that's-a-definite-no look, "Mabel, you just cut yourself, I'll clean it up."

Dib awkwardly stands there, not knowing what to do. Mabel on the other hand, doesn't argue, and Dipper decides to just leave the dustpan with glass in it alone in the corner.

"Okay, that's enough distraction for one day, back to business." Dipper orders, Dib lights up at a chance to explain his plan, and Mabel picks up the grappling hook.

Once they're all briefed on the plan, the three make their move.


Dib puts the address of Zim's 'house' into his phone, Dipper looks down at it.

"He really isn't far, is he?"

"Nope! It's almost perfect isn't it! It's like we were meant for this!" Dib exclaims.

Dipper sighs, "If only we could get a camera crew, I wish we were old enough to be paranormal investigators!"

Mabel comes from behind them, pulling the two into a reluctant hug, "So you two can be nerds all day???"

"Mabel-" Dipper struggles out of the sudden interruption.

"Sorry-sorry-" Mabel mumbles, Dib sighs slightly as they get closer to the base. He then looks at the door to the house, determined.

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