Lost in Thoughts

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\\ Okay, so this is the last chapter I have to rewrite. So updates will be slow after this. Also, if you do like my story please leave a star/ comment(of course if you are comfy with doing that, I don't bite!) \\

Dipper hadn't slept much the night before, he'd been too busy reading. Of course he was checking out the journal in the woods, he hadn't told anybody yet, not even Mabel. Mabel most likely knew something was up, he had been hiding under his covers reading, again, but he wasn't mumbling to himself and  doing the normal 'night reading' as she called it.

 Skipping topics, he had to figure out what was with the journal. Why wouldn't the author want to trust somebody? What's with him trusting a triangle and calling it "his muse". Something was off here...

"Mason, MASON!" Dipper half fliches at the teacher yelling his name, "Here..." he answers tentatively. Dib gives him a strange look, which Dipper takes note of, then inwardly cringes, he just realized he still hadn't corrected his name yet. Great, the teacher was going to call him by his real name. He wasn't a Mason, he was a Dipper. The teacher goes down the rows, the first day they'd been seated in alphabetical order, luckily Membrane came right before Pines in this class. After the teacher was done. the students were handed their math sheets, Dipper realizes that math wouldn't be as easy this year, maybe it wasn't the best idea to choose advanced math. But then again...

Suddenly there's a loud knocking, the knocking grows inpatient before there's a hole burned through the door and the green kid walks in. Dib shoots Zim a harsh glare while Dipper goes back into his thoughts. What's with him today? He's normally more attentive... Dib decides he shouldn't focus on that.

Zim shoots Dib a harsher glare before starting on the math, too easy, did humans REALLY consider this difficult. The teacher leads the class through it for the next hour and a half, but she mostly talks about expectations in the class. Don't talk. Don't interrupt. Don't go ahead of me. Don't break rules, etc. The bell rings, startling Zim and most of the class as they move to get their supplies together, quickly.

Dib isn't able to pay attention during most of class, between the alien and the fact.. Dipper also seemed.. zoned out..? Which.. weirded him out. What's up with him today?

Dib and Dipper go to the door and start talking, "Are you okay? You didn't pay that much attention..." Dib warily asks the taller kid, Dipper nods, he kind of looks like a zombie. Although Dib couldn't judge, he couldn't name how many times he'd stayed up all night before a school day. "I don't get how the other kids don't see that he's an alien! UGH, they'll be the only ones surprised when I show the world..." Dipper sighs at Dib's statement, "What if they just.. don't do anything with it?" Dib does a double take, he hadn't considered that, and.. it didn't seem Dipper had either, "Then.. what do we do?


Dipper sits at the lunch table, Dib was already there but not Mabel yet, they both say "Hi" to each other before Mabel sits at the table, next to Dib, she awkwardly looks at Dib with a slight blush, before looking away. Dipper forces back a look towards her, stop focusing on your crush of the wee- There are more important things to worry about. Dipper picks at his lunch food, Dib shoots Mabel a look as if to ask if she knows what's up with Dipper, she shakes her head. "Hey.. what's up bro-bro, you've been acting wei- weirder than normal."

Dipper sighs, he can't hide it for long.

He pulls out the ancient book from his bag, "I found someone.. who knew of the oddities of this town. He disappeared years ago," he flips the pages, which go blank half way through,"What if.. what if we find out who wrote these journals?"

Dib looks at the book for a moment, then pauses, "What if he abandoned his studies for a reason- dad only normally gets rid of things for-"

Mabel interrupts him, "Come on! What could be so bad in this town?"

Dipper looks behind both of them, to see Zim horrifying multiple students at a table, cringing slightly, "I have a few ideas.."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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