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Dib walks home, he felt.. unresolved and honestly, a bit lonely. He opens the door to the Membrane household, not expecting much.

" Where were you?! Dad made me wait for dinner again..." She complains, of course, it wasn't Dad, it was a taped recording bot of him offering food. He takes the food lazily and starts to walk into his room.

" Aren't you going to annoy me about aliens or whatever, again?" She lifts an eyebrow, Dib sighs, " I tried to capture one but it was...anticlimactic." He wonders if he should continue, he has a sneaking suspicion Gaz will tune him out again with her game. "He came to our school, new kid, although he wasn't really, uh normal?" Gaz sighs and mumbles, " ...says the kid who only talks about aliens and cryptids." She goes back to playing the game and Dib lets out a heavy sigh before deciding to skip dinner tonight and ditching the food in the trash, it wasn't that good anyways.

He goes to his room, suddenly feeling pissed, how can anyone in this town not believe him? What the hell was wrong with everyone? It's like every time they see something it's almost like their memories get erased. It was a bit of an insane thought for Dib, in his opinion, it had to be impossible for memories to be erased. But this was Gravity Falls, anything could happen. He opens up his computer, deciding to watch conspiracy theory videos again.


On the other side of the story, Dipper and Mabel head home, joking and laughing with each other along the way. They go back to the shack, it was a school day, so Wendy wouldn't be there, neither way Soos but that was mostly because his grandma got sick. The shack had already been mostly clean from earlier. They, instead of taking care of chores, decide to head into the woods. Normal for them. They grab simple things to defend themselves, just in case there's a chance of getting kidnapped.

Once they were in the woods, they went separate ways. 

Dipper hears a sudden loud noise.

He flinches and runs into a tree, with a somehow metallic clang when he hits it. Dipper looks at the tree more closely. He knocks it, with another metallic sound. There seems to be a door...? He opens it and presses a few buttons. A hatch in the ground opens up. There was an old journal, it has a monocle on it, a six fingered hand on the cover, and it had a horrible smell. He opens it up, with a small gasp as there are creatures seemingly recorded in it, he'd seen multiple of them in the forest. With a look of awe he finds a nice place to sit down and read, finally someone who can listen!

Mabel, goes up the path, disappointed not to find anything. Her mind wonders, how had she just gotten a crush on Dib now? Even with knowing him for years? It confused her, she tried to ignore the invasive thought. She sees Dipper nearby and goes quietly up to him, "HEY DIPPING SAUCE!!!" Dipper jumps up startled.

"O-oh, Hey Mabel." Mabel laughs at his response, he was always so easy to scare. "So, whatcha reading?" She asks casually. "Nothing- nothing..." he wanted to keep this a bit of a secret. Mabel giggles, it was like how he hid his drawings. "Want to head back to the shack then..?" Dipper nods, they put their stuff up, and go back, Dipper holding the journal closely.

Invaded Gravity(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now