ninten: ya'll mind if i die
lloyd: wait no
nugget: hey looklily: what
nugget: an assaltrifle
lily: im sorry but im sending you to a mad scientist to get tested on cause holy shit that is unoriginal and you actually remade it
nugget: :(
monty: local man paralyzed after eating 413 chicken nuggetsnugget: so the limit is 412
ninten: pewlucas: pew
ness: where did you even get the water guns
ninten: a store omg ness your stupid go back to school
ness: are you forgetting the world is in an apocalypse
ness: even water is scarce and your shooting it at me
ninten and lucas: pew
oh look a fandom shitpost book
Fanfictionbecause why not contains stuff from vine quotes to just straight up pulled from hell stuff this book will become a literal meme hell you may regret reading this if that wasn't clear already