Chapter 1

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On a closer look at the 'wall' I realized it wasn't a wall after all, but a sort of window. But still, it hadn't been there before.
Gingerly I reached out and touched the clear substance. Glass. It was cold hard glass. What kind of idiot puts a glass wall in the middle of an apartment complex lobby!
I trailed my fingertips over the surface feeling for a crease or crack or something so I could get from behind it. Nothing.
With a frustrate humph I walked from one wall to another. Maybe it's a new door?
Yes Elise because the manager is going to put a glass door in the middle of the lobby that is used for nothing. Well you never know.
I sighed and sat on the floor staring out.
Maybe, someone will pass by and wonder why I am just sitting on the floor staring longingly at the empty street and think, hey, that girl could use a hug. Oh wait there is a wall, why don't I just break the glass and help her-
Idiot! Break the glass!
And so I tried, and tried. And tried. I even through one of those cheap coffee tables. Much to my amusement and well as my dismay, only the table broke not the glass.
And then my hope walked right in front if me as I stared glumly at the glass wall.
A person. A living, walking person who came to a halt as they passed my building. Their jaw dropped as I scrambled to my feet and called out to them.
"Hello! Help me! Please tell me you can hear me! HELP ME dammit!" They quickly regained their cool composer and blinked at me.
They blinked.
All they flipping did, was blink.
And then they smiled. They had the audacity to smile at me. This was not happening. Not happening. Maybe Ty thought I was a mime? No way, you could clearly see the light reflect off of the glass. The glass that wouldn't break.
"You seem to be a little trapped." I rolled my eyes at them and knocked on the glass. In my mind however, I was beating the living day lights out of them.
"Yeah, and you know what would be great? If you helped me maybe." He laughed shaking his head.
"Adorable, and, let me think." He paused. "No." And then he started to walk away, leaving me fuming.
"What the literal hell! Come on man! Let me out of here!" I kept screaming at nothing and about nothing until I could barely make a sound.
A thought hit me like a truck ten seconds after I stopped hurting my throat.
God, why didn't I think of it before? Open the freaking windows.

Okay, short extremely short. After a looonnnngggg time. But I have been busy with some personal problems. So, yuppers. I will post sooner, I promise.
Until then, vote, comment. Give me money.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2015 ⏰

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