161. My Everything

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"S'pose this is kinda meaningless now..." Steve dipped a hand into his own deep pocket and removed the ring box he had stashed way, presenting it flat in his palm. "But I wouldn't want anyone else to have it, so I feel like I should give it to you anyway..." He clasped it between finger and thumb and offered it to Bucky with a raging blush.

Bucky's cheeks flared with a rosy flush and his now teary blue eyes were locked on Steve. "You're not serious, right?" A lonesome tear escaped and ran down his cheek, leaving a lasting glossy line there. He hadn’t anticipated that.

"Sorry it's not as romantic as you probably hoped... I've never been as good with words as you are and you kinda beat me to it..." Steve gave a dopey downcast smile of commiseration, apologetic for his tardiness. "I was waiting for the right moment... Y'know, someplace quiet, when all this strife is over, just you and I, maybe a bottle of champagne and a starlit sky..." Steve's usually enthusiastic smile fell. 

"Steve, I wouldn't have minded if you'd blurted the question at me over breakfast or handed it to me without a word after gym practice..." Bucky eased him with a steadying hand on his shoulder and a doe-eyed soppy look that was quintessentially him. "Although, perhaps, I was ostentatious, it was opportunistic, not planned... I wouldn't have wanted some grand gesture. It's not the words said or even the ring I want to cherish forever, it's you..." With that, he eased in and pecked Steve's lips with such tenderness that Steve felt only the contact, no pressure or warmth - Bucky's lips just slip by quietly and chastely. "And I hope I've made that clear this evening..." Bucky said with a shy smile, so coy that it morphed his face unrecognisably. 

"But at least let me give this to you properly?" Steve implored with adjuring eyes, forming that little bemused crinkle between his brows as they drew up.

"Anything to make my fiancé happy..." Bucky agreed, a cocky smirk returning to his face. 

They stopped walking, appropriately outside their door, and Steve gracefully slunk to one knee and popped the button on the box to reveal the ring. 

"Well, I'll be damned! Golly gosh-darn and gee whizz Stevie! I was not expecting this! If you aren't the sweetest little fairy I've ever set eyes on then the sky ain't blue!" Bucky stated, hands saddled on his hips and his tone mocking as he shook his head in feigned disbelief. He broke character as he spluttered a small titter, being completely disingenuous in return to Steve’s sincerity.

"Shut up you handsome jerk, don't ruin the moment..." Steve whined sulkily, with half a mind to slap him on the nearest body part. 

"Well that's not very nice is it, Stevie..?" Bucky gasped and put the back of his hand to his forehead, turning away in offence like a fainting dame.

"Bucky..." Steve pleaded, genuine displeasure overcoming his face and his patience being tested.

"Alright, sorry..." Bucky conceded from the wind up, especially with those antagonised puppy-like blue eyes shining up at him like the world had just been taken away from him. 

"James Buchanan Barnes, make me the happiest man alive... Marry me?" Steve offered, doing that idiosyncratic smile, mouth perky at one corner, the other shying away. 

"Steve Rogers, I will..." Bucky unfurled his right hand to Steve. 

"It goes on your-"

"Left I know... But I want to be able to... I know it's ridiculous...” Bucky cringed, shuddering with humiliation. “To feel it on my skin, Steve. Do this for me, will you?" Bucky's eyes were yearning with need and hinted at guilt. "Since when have you ever been a slave to convention?"

"True..." Steve slipped the ring off the white silk cushion and slid it onto Bucky's ring finger until it smooched his knuckle. "And it's not ridiculous, it's adorable.." Steve confirmed with a kiss to where the ring sat. 

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