A Realization

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I smiled up at the boy in front of me. He was just a little taller than me and he had pretty brown eyes. I felt my face heat up a little.

"get a hold of yourself! you just met the kid!"

The name Steven echoed in my head. Why did it sound so familiar? The boy was quickly yanked away from me by his taller friend with very pale skin.
"Steven be careful!" she spoke with a worried expression.

Steven looked up at her, confused "why? what's wrong?" he looked between his friends, who all seemed to be trying to keep their distance from me. If we're being honest, it kinda hurt my feelings.

The giant red woman spoke "Steven, take a close look at her."

I froze as Steven examined me and I figured I should do the same with them, I didn't really get to look them over much. There was a tall red one with shades and black puffy hair, a short purple woman with very long white hair, and a tall woman with... wait a second. What's that on her forehead? And why are they such strange colors?

That's when it hit me. I guess it hit him at the same time because we both gasped "YOU'RE LIKE ME!" We yelled in unison, breaking out in a fit of laughter. He immediately engulfed me in a big hug, even picking me off my feet and swinging me in circles, making me laugh even harder. Usually if someone I just met hugged me I would freak out, but I felt like I could trust Steven. Especially now that I know he's a hybrid just like me.

"He's like me! I'm not alone! There are others!"

Our little bonding moment was broken when the shortest woman, or should i say gem, spoke up. "Nice to meet ya. The name's Amethyst." She gave me a hard pat on the back.

We all looked to the other two, expecting them to introduce themselves. The pale one spoke up. "I'm Pearl... it's a... pleasure to meet you." She spoke as if she had to be careful with her words. The last one then spoke "Garnet." Plain and simple, straight to the point. Alright then.

Steven looked down to me and I realized we were both still holding each other. I quickly took a step back, blushing and giving an awkward laugh. "It's so incredible to meet someone that's like me. I thought I was the only one!"

"Us too. We always thought that Steven was one of a kind." Pearl explained. "Which of your parents gave up their form?"

I cocked my head to the side "Which of my parents did what now?"

Each of them shot each other shocked, nervous looks. The Garnet walked over to me and bend down to my level. "y/n. Who do you live with?"

"Well I live with my parents Mr and Mrs. Maheswaran, and my sister Connie. But they adopted me. I never knew my birth parents." I tried my best to explain.

"HOLD THE PHONE!" Steven yelled, grabbing everyone's attention "You're Connie's sibling?!"

I slowly nodded, not understanding the situation until: "OOHHH! You're the boy from Connie's stories!" I laughed at myself. "I thought you were imaginary!"

Steven erupted in laughter "Oh no way! This is insane!" He then turned to the older gems. "Would it be ok if y/n and I hung out alone for awhile? I really wanna get to know them better."

The gems looked hesitantly at each other, but agreed. Steven and I looked at each other with huge smiles. He then grabbed my hand and started running off along the beach, dragging me behind him.

"BE CAREFUL!" We heard Pearl yelling behind us, but we didn't turn around. I let Steven pull me along into the sunset.

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