That's Enough

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Steven's POV

I smiled down, taking in y/n's presence. They were back in my arms and my mind could finally be at ease. My hands rested on their hips. It felt like a giant weight was lifted off my shoulders just because of their presence. I wiped a few stray tears off of their face and looked them straight in their beautiful e/c eyes.

"I told you i'd see you again." I said, not being able to hold back a huge smile. They laughed and pulled me back into a hug. I was just realizing how short they were. Their head was against my chest and their arms snaked around my neck. I wrapped my arms around their waist and rested my chin on their head.
I never wanted this moment to end. I finally had          y/n back in my arms. Everything was perfect... almost.

Reality hit me like a truck and I remembered where we were and what was going on. I gently grabbed their chin so they could look up at me. "y/n, listen, we gotta get out of here." They gave me a confused look, searching my eyes for answers. I but my lip as I thought of how to explain this. "The Diamonds... Homeworld... everyone here. They're not good people." They laughed a little "Well duh. They aren't people at all."

"No! You-!" I took a deep breath. I felt bad for getting angry with them. It's wasn't their fault any of this was happening. "Look, y/n, they-"

"Well hello to you!" We quickly pulled away from each other, looking like tomatoes. A gem was standing in the doorway with a huge grin on her face. She had orange, shoulder length hair. She was just a little taller than me and had huge round glasses framing her bright orange eyes. In the center of her forehead was an orange, square stone. She had an orange shirt with puffy sleeves with a big yellow diamond symbol in the center.

That reminded me of my shirt. I rolled my eyes at the thought. I hated having to wear this stupid diamond clothing. This shirt was the most comfortable thing I could find.

The gem looked between the two of us and fixed her glasses "Oh gosh did I interrupt something?" I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck while y/n hugged themselves. "N-no. You're fine." I gave her a fake smile.

I guess she bought it because she smiled and clapped her hands together "Terrific! Let's begin shall we?" She walked up to the front of the room and placed her hand on part of the wall, making a giant screen appear. "Please take your seats." Her voice was so cheery, it was kind of annoying if we're being honest.

Y/n walked over to their purple throne like chair and desk while I sat in my pink one. The orange gem folded her hands "Alrighty! I'm Tourmaline, and this is gem history! We're going to learn all about the gems that were made before us and how they helped to mold our wonderful world!" At that point I stopped paying attention. We had just got there and I was already getting a headache.

I noticed y/n kept glancing over at me, so I did the same. We locked eyes and they hugged themselves again with an expression I couldn't quiet make out. I tilted my head "What's wrong?" I mouthed out. They shrugged and I could tell by their face that something was bothering them. They looked back at Tourmaline. "Hey" I whispered to try and get their attention, but they didn't notice. "Hey!" I said a little louder, but still nothing. I snapped my fingers, and they looked at me out of the corner of their eyes. I've never seen them look at me with such annoyance and hatred. I needed to know what was bothering them.

"Y/n..." I whispered, trying to lean closer to her. Y/n talk to me!" I tried to whisper yell, causing Tourmaline to glare at me. "We do not speak while someone is teaching." She spoke with and angry voice, but through the fakes smile i've ever seen. I sunk in my seat. "Guess we'll just have to wait until after classs..."

~~~~Time skip brought to you by me binge watching Gotham~~~~

Class was finally over and I officially had a migraine. I jump out of my seat and walk over to y/n. "Hey! So about what I was saying before...?" I slowly trailed off as I realized they weren't listening. My heart sank as I remembered the mistake I had made before "Look, I'm sorry about yelling at you before, I just got frustrated and really need you to understand."

They scoffed "Oh I understand Steven. You think that the ones who brought us back to where we belong are evil." I stopped walking, shocked by their sarcastic tone and and confused on where it was coming from. I quickly ran to catch up with them. "No! That's not-! Well, actually yeah. That's exactly what I think." They gave me a sour glare from the corner of their eyes.

We walked to our next class in silence. I'm thankful our Pearls gave us directions to each class because i'd be completely lost without them. I tried thinking of something to say to break the awkward tension in the air but nothing sounded right.

"I wonder what's got them so upset all of a sudden."

"I just don't understand why you would wanna leave!  We've learned all about our past and have an amazing new family. We're freaking royalty just because our moms were. This is a dream come true!" They rambled on.

I didn't remember saying anything out loud before so I wondered how they knew what I was thinking. "How did you-" They pointed to their head and I remembered. "Ohh right. Mind reading..." I tried hiding the uneasiness in my tone but I guess I wasn't too good at it.


I sighed when I heard the tone of his voice. I felt bad for making him uncomfortable. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again, I just really wanted to understand why you would wanna leave. I mean, this is paradise!"

He raised an eyebrow "School? With no humans? And no food? Paradise?" I hadn't even realized how hungry I was. Right on cue, my stomach rumbled and the hunger set in again. I groaned. "Ok, maybe not all that, but being a diamond and going to a special diamond school in a special diamond palace? You have to admit that's pretty amazing." I nudged him with my elbow as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess... but-"

I didn't mean to cut him off, but I was just so excited about everything. "And I don't have Mr and Mrs. M constantly on my back!" I continued to mock what they sounded like. "Y/n, hide your gem! Y/n, no mind reading! Y/n, no floating in the house!" I laughed at how accurate I sounded. I jumped up and floated while laying on my back with my arms crossed behind my head. "Well not anymore!"

"Well yeah, but-" Steven's voice sounded a little annoyed, but I wasn't done making my point. "I mean, don't the gems ever get on your nerves?"

"Well I wouldn't-"

"Steven, clean your room!" I laughed at myself to impersonate pearl.

"Hey that's not-"

"Steven, don't touch that! It's dangerous!" I changed to a much more chill but demanding tone. Garnet seemed like that type of gem.

"Y/n stop-"

"Oh come on Steven. Chiiiiillll." I kept a sarcastic and annoying voice while grabbing his shoulders from behind, making him jump slightly.

"Y/n, that's enough-" His tone was dark but I continued to ignore him, having fun.

"Steven steven steven steven steven steven" I floated around him repeating his name over and over and over and over and-


I was knocked into a wall behind me, slowly sliding to the floor. My ears rang and my vision slowly went black. The last thing I saw was a worried Steven standing over me, tears threatening to fall. And he was all... pink?

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