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I rapidly knocked on the door to Steven's beach house. I held my breath, hoping that this was the right place. I double checked the message Steven sent with the address just in case. Steven threw the door open, making me jump "y/n! You're here!" Guess this is the right place.

"Yeah!" I laughed, still a little out of breath from sprinting here. "Sorry i'm late."

He waved it off "No worries, come on in!" He held the door open for me and I walked inside. I took in the room we were in. I could see what i'm guessing was Steven's room from the door way. "Not much privacy." I thought, but shook it off. It was a cute little house. A little living room area, a little kitchen, a door to what I think is the bathroom, and a weird crystal door. There was this weird thing on the floor in front of the crystal door. It looked like a big platform or something. "What's that?" I asked, pointing towards the mysterious object.

"Oh that's the warp pad! It helps the gems and I get around." He explained. Right on cue, a magical noise was heard and a beam of light shot out from the "warp pad." Once the light went away, I saw that Pearl was standing there, examining some sort of spear looking thing.

"Hi Pearl!" Steven yelled as I gave a small wave. Her head shot up "Oh! Hello Steven. Hello y/n. Are you two ready for training?" She held the spear up to her gem and it went inside of it. "Weird." I thought but shook it off. I guess I would have to get used to weird stuff like this if i'm gonna be hanging out with Steven and the Gems now.

"Yes ma'am!" I responded enthusiastically. Steven grabbed my hand and dragged me to the warp pad. "This could get a little bumpy." He giggled, grabbing my other hand as well. We started to glow and I couldn't feel the floor anymore. I tried to stay by Steven and Pearl's side, but it felt like something was pulling me upwards. I panicked slightly, starting to kick my legs as if I were swimming to try and get myself back down, but it wasn't working.

"Wow y/n!" He grabbed my waist and pulled me to his chest, still holding my hand with his other. "Don't worry I got you."  I could feel my heart quicken. I smiled up at him "You were right. It did get bumpy." I laughed at my own little comment.

Steven's POV

My face reddened "That was so cute omg" I shook my head, bringing myself back to reality.

"Yes the warp pad does take some getting used to." Pearl noted. Oh jeez I forgot she was here. I tried to create a little more room for Jesus between y/n and I for Pearl's sake. I noticed y/n frowned a little when I did this, but I didn't think much of it.

"In fact, when Steven first used the warp pad he-" "WOW HEY LOOK WE'RE HERE!" I laughed nervously, thankful that I dodged that bullet. y/n gave me a questioning look but I ignored it, grabbing their hand and running towards the main training area of the sky arena. I could hear Pearl yelling at us to slow down but in that moment, all I could hear was y/n's laughter drowning her out. 

We darted down the stairs and plopped onto the very last bleacher. (Is that what they are? Bleachers? Idrk lmao sorry guys).

"What is this place?" y/n asked in awe once we finished laughing. I watched as she looked around in amazement. "This is the Ancient Sky Arena. Pearl said that this is where the first gem battle took place during the rebellion... or something like that." I tried my best to remember what Pearl had told me, but it was a long time ago and to be honest I wasn't really paying attention. "wow... cool." They said with literal stars in their eyes.

I heard what sounded like someone panting behind us and turned around to see Pearl running up to us. "Kids! P-please don't... run off... like... that." She stopped, putting her hands on her knees and leaning over to catch her breath. y/n and I shared mischievous grins until Pearl spoke up again. "You two should really be more careful! This place is already falling apart it's so old. The last thing I need is for one of you to trip and fall and sprain something! Or even worse break something! Imagine what I would have to say to your parents and blah blah blah blah blah..." Pearl continued to nag us, but I couldn't focus on what she was saying. I didn't realize how cute y/n looked until now- "Oh my stars they're looking at me oh shi-"

They gave me a questioning look. "What?" They mouthed out. I nodded towards Pearl and made my hand into a mouth, making it mock her. y/n started to laugh, but quickly covered their mouth so Pearl couldn't hear. I ended up having to do the same.

"I hope you both make better decisions next time. Now onto your training." Our heads snapped up and Pearl now has our full attention. "I thought it would be more beneficial for you two to train together. Since Steven has more experience, he's going to show you how our training sessions usually go." 

I stood up and walked over to where Pearl was in the middle of the arena. She summoned one of her Holo Pearls and I summoned my shield. "During training you will usually practice against one of my Holo Pearls" She explained to y/n.

"Alright Steven. Whenever you're ready."


I watched in awe as the Holo Pearl lunged at Steven, just for him to block it with his shield. Then he pushed the Holo Pearl back and jumped into the air, doing some cool floaty flippy tricks. "Show off!" I shouted.

"I've got plenty more where that came from!" He gloated. "Check this out!" He tosses his shield like a frisbee at the Holo Pearl, knocking it over "Challenger wins." The fake Pearl announced as Steven turned to me.

"Didn't even break a sweat." He puffed his chest out a little. "Getting a little cocky now are we Universe?"
I teased, making him turn red. I grinned and took a step to the side "You might wanna look behind you."

His face scrunched up in confusion as he turned around, just to get hit in the face with his own shield, making him fall over.

I couldn't help but laugh at his little mishap. I stood over him as he rubbed his face. "Oh how the mighty have fallen." I taunted, holding out my hand, which he reluctantly took.

"You ok?" I placed my hand on his face, examining it to see if anything looked bruised or broken. "Just peachy." He scoffed, sounding irritated, but I could still see the slightest smile on his face. "Are you sure? You're face looks red."

He backed up a little, shaking his head. "Nope! I mean- uh yeah! Yeah i'm fine! Totally fine! You go now." He sat in the spot I was just in. "Alright dork." I turned away and looked over to where Pearl was messing around with the defeated Holo Pearl. I felt more and more excited as I made my way over to her.

"Alright y/n, I set my Holo Pearl to a beginner level for you. It will get more difficult as you progress so stay alert." I nodded determinedly at Pearl's explanation.

"Let's see what weapon you have." Pearl took a few steps back, giving me room to summon my scythe. She made a noise of approval.

"Alright y/n. Whenever you're ready."

Aaaand slight cliff hanger for ya.

Thank you all so much for all of your support and amazing ideas💜💜

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