Derek Freaking Hale

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Stiles crept down the stairs as quietly as he could. And although werewolves had super hearing it just felt fitting. Out of the corner of his eye Stiles could see a tall figure in his entry way.

The figure turned around to reveal someone Stiles thought he would never see again. Derek Motherfucking Hale. "You bastard I thought you were McCall!" Stiles exclaimed, dropping his textbook on the ground.

"Would you care to explain why you were holding a textbook then? I thought you and Scott were best friends?" Derek questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.

Stiles scoffed. Derek had been gone since the Nogitsune, just left his pack behind and ran off with a random girl.

"Derek," Stiles almost snarled, "Scott hasn't been my friend in a very long time. I haven't been in a pack for a very long time. So if you're here looking for someone to do research for you, I'm not your guy." Stiles pat out. He was sick and tired of the pack using him.

Derek just quirked an eyebrow, "You smell sad. Why do you smell sad?" He asked.

Stiles rolled his eyes, "Maybe it's because I am! I'm all alone and everyone in this goddamn town thinks that I'm a murderer! So yeah, I smell fucking sad, no shit I smell sad." Stiles yelled, but broke off into a mumbled at the very end.

"Stiles, you and me have never been close. But if you don't sit down and tell me what happened right now, I'll rip your throat out. In a sort of platonic love kind of way." Derek said with a smile that could only be described as lovingly murderous.

Stiles, not wanting to die, walked over to his couch and sat down next to Derek. And he started talking, not knowing how good it would feel to get it all out.

"And I was on the scaffolding, I- I didn't mean for it to happen I swear! I just meant for it to knock him down, but instead it went right through his chest and impaled him. I should've told Scott, I know I should've. But in the moment I was just so scared, so, so scared," By this point Stiles was in tears, sobbing because someone finally listened to him.

"And Theo somehow twisted it and told Scott that I beat Donovan to death with me wrench. And Scott believed him. So I've been alone for the last month or two. With no one to talk to, except maybe the people I talk to online. I've just started keeping my head down and keeping my headphones on with my music on full blast. You'd be proud of me to know that I've started running, mainly near your old house. Nobody really goes there anymore..." Stiles trailed off, wiping his tears away with his hand.

Derek looked at Stiles, a thousand emotions in his eyes and yet Stiles couldn't decipher a single one. Without warning, Derek gripped Stiles into a hug.

"No member of my pack deserves to feel like that. Where has Peter been? He cares about you just as much as I do." Derek said, angry at his uncle.

"Well, he's tried talking to me. But I don't really trust ex murderers, not that I trust anyone. But I especially don't trust him." Stiles stated, pulling away from the embrace.

Derek just chuckled lightly.

"Also what did you mean by 'pack'? I thought you didn't like me or something..." Stiles almost whispered.

"You know, for a kid who used to be the loudest voice in the room it's concerning to see you be so quiet. Also, of course you're pack Stiles. I may not be an alpha but that hasn't stopped me before." Derek said defensively. Then he stood up, and made his way to the door.

"Call me, text me, run to the old house whatever. Just please don't hide away again, I'm always there." Derek said, a genuine smile decorating his face. Then he walked out the door, closing it quietly behind him.

Stiles sat dazed for a minute, a faint smile on his lips. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket, the notification was from discord. A new chat from a random account. Stiles pressed on the random invite.

-Thomas_Boi has joined the chat-

AnnoyingBrit: TOMMYYYY

LetsFight: Welcome to hell Thomas

Stiles smile turned into a full on smirk. Maybe he wasn't completely alone after all.


A/N: Two chapters in one day? Who am I jEsUs? (Yes I am)


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